military police metl tasks

Conduct a hasty river crossing as a continuation of an attack to ensure little or no loss of momentum by the attacking force. This threat is most likely to be detected at border FM 21-10, Field Hygiene and Sanitation. load plans for various deployments reduces the load time. security (AS), internment and resettlement (UR), law and order (L&O), and police intelligence For more information about TEM refer to Appendix C . Teams share their information, consolidate it, and report it, then return to the patrol HQ or continue to the next mission. MILITARY POLICE PLATOON MISSION, CAPABILITIES, AND LIMITATIONS 1-42. /fin/3 1 9.4/chan6.htm 12/27/2004 Carry only the minimum amount of equipment. criminals, or gangs may try to observe installations, deep-water ports, or other facilities to 4-17. situation, reports to his superiors, and takes appropriate action to protect the team according The attack positions are the last positions occupied or passed through by the assault echelon or the attacking force before crossing the line of departure. Date of the capture. Reverse Planning Timetable DODDOA-009841 Must be requisitioned or picked up later. 2-13. Restrictions. 2-31. imagination. 1-49. Providing mobile guides to escort the units. The time and date the detainee was received. DODDOA-009850 If nuclear weapons have been used at least one team using radiation detection_ , indication, and computation (RADIAC) meters monitors the site for radioactive contaminants. Appendix B deals with media relations. COUNTERRE CONNAISSANCE METT-TC may necessitate the need for additional corps MP support. Use Subsequent Fire Commands Planning a defense of a platoon on urban terrain is similar to planning a defense in the countryside. Chooses a structure (in an urban area) that protects the troops from natural elements and has adequate latrine facilities. When vehicles use more than one route, each route has an SP. In CS operations, platoon leaders rarely have enough time to go through each step in detail. and, on the order of the platoon leader or PSG, fires the FPL. FM 7-0 Training was released June 14, 2021, Soldiers training in North Carolina, - November, 2021, Schofield Barracks, HI Soldiers from 1st Platoon, Charlie Battery Copperheads, 3-7 Field Artillery, 25th Infantry Division Artillery conducted platoon level live-fire certifications and qualifications at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, June 3, 2021. This is true whether the firing vehicle is moving, the target is moving, or both are moving. DODDOA-009815 Locations for long halts are normally selected to allow all the vehicles to clear the road and permit proper dispersion. train. So After a crew is so they occur immediately after firing and do MP assets the same way the division PM has OPCON of the division MP assets. The lead vehicle must not exceed the authorized maximum speed of the slowest vehicle in the column. 3-5. enemy's advance threatens the OP/LP, order the OP/LP to withdraw. This capability is the result of extensive area, zone, and route reconnaissance; daily contact with local nationals; conducting combined police patrols with HN military and civilian police agencies; and conducting field interviews. .12/27/2004 There they Platoons can continually improve base defenses by considering what avenues of approach and methods of attack the enemy could use, given the vulnerabilities of the platoon's base. All plans and overlays depicting MP support are forwarded to the BCOC. G-15 G-15 maximum stealth and has the greatest likelihood of remaining undetected by the enemy. Controlling indirect fire is more difficult. Major crossroads on the MSR and near crossing sites and lateral boundaries to control traffic from adjacent unit areas that could interfere with division surface movements. Commanders must visualize the current and future state of both friendly and enemy forces. When a round is fired from the flank of a moving vehicle, the round drifts in the same direction and at the same speed as the vehicle. When MP evacuate captives, they give them clear, MILITARY POLICE LEADERS' HANDBOOK 7-1. The international community, media, and public perceptions have increased Division cavalry units normally conduct security missions that include a screen for maneuver units during offensive operations. Figure 5-2. DODDOA-009825. 4, DODDOA-009778 Job Overview. 4-106. different table(s) of organization and equipment (TOE). modified to suit METT-TC and vehicle and trailer capacities. March Halts However, MP activities that contribute to counterreconnaissance include- The priority of the targets (what to fire at, when to fire, and why). AT4s and M203 grenade launchers work well in built-up areas. DODD0A-009811 The task areas that support the UR function are EPW and CI handling, US military prisoner handling, and populace and resource control. . Stockpiling ammunition, food, and water. running of all missions and METL tasks. rendezvous point, information gained by each member is exchanged with all the other Plan to operate on the enemy's flanks and rear, where direct fire is most effective, psychological shock is the greatest, and the enemy is least prepared to fight. Ensure that items taken from detainees for security or intelligence reasons are signed over to the guards taking the detainees to the rear. The platoon provides support and security. Gain and maintain immediate control of the situation and all personnel in the room. 4-40. RT The entire platoon may serve as the Fighting positions do not protect against the destructiveness of artillery and other area The squad leaders have the remaining two-thirds of the time to prepare the squads for the mission. Portable Sign-Making Kit, Appendix J NUCLEAR, L CHEMICAL DEFENSE standardized doctrinal principles found in applicable manuals to ensure that training is Have enough area for dispersing a battalion-size unit. Each rendezvous point becomes the ORP for the next phase. He prepares an Because of the confined spaces typical of building- and room-clearing operations, units Defensive positions must cover likely enemy avenues of approach, be mutually supporting, and provide cover and concealment. both the weapon and the tripod to the secondary sector, if required. responsible for accomplishing all the missions assigned to the platoon according to the The CATS Doctrinal METL window shows the proponent-defined METL-focused collective tasks and task selections. 4-53. Overlapping searches provide random coverage not easily predictable by simp normally gives OPCON of all units entering the crossing area to the crossing commander. The proficiency ratings include T (Trained), P (Practiced), or U (Untrained) to indicate the training proficiency level in each task. DCs are persons that have been removed from their home because of war, disaster, or other reasons. httn:// /f-mn-194/rhan4 htm.1 '7/1-7nnnet. They- be used as a signal. If the vehicles can leave the road, the teams form a 360-degree perimeter around the convoy. DODDOA-009827 Having the squad automatic riflemen and grenadiers cover enemy approach routes to the building. If the enemy gets through the FPF, repel it by 'close combat. Whether patrolling an installation's housing area, conducting counterdrug operations, enhancing security, or investigating war crimes, MP L&O capabilities are invaluable to the commander. echelons of the commands. different from the others. Engineers man the ERPs and report to the CSC. Platoon leaders must plan more than cover and concealment to counteract threat Main supply route (MSR) regulation enforcement. Chapter 1 MILITARY POLICE OVERVIEW, Introduction must carefully control soldiers doing mixed gender searches to Establishing initial base security. battlefield situation and reach logical decisions. 6-16. 15 20 3s 30 a6 50 as 05 15 100 120 The report formats contained m the SOP. 1-10. DODDOA-009800 FM 25-100 , FM 25-101 , and TC 25-10 provide MP leaders with established training doctrine and assist the leaders in the development and execution of the training programs. and enough staff support are available (Table 2-1) . 5-17. http://atiam.train.arrnv.milinortaliatia/adlsciview/nublic/297074-1 /fm/1-14 4/ehart4 hon,.1107/1(104 an enemy assault. MP prepare a receipt when taking property from a detainee. Ensure that vehicles are able to enter the maintenance tent at one end and exit at the other. important role in developing an optimum MP force package to support the brigade The base's reaction force efforts are coordinated with the designated-area response force. sensitivity to the protection of human rights and the need for absolute accountability of Take cover and allow the object to fall on the mine. infrared, radar, thermal, and other sensors. 4-6. Movement Considerations Prisoners are evacuated from the Chooses a tentative location for the company CP. improvements to be made. After confirmation of the Conventional threat reconnaissance elements push far out in front of their combat unit It is often associated with training requiring movement over terrain; for example, movement to contact or conducting a route reconnaissance. Notify the BSA TOC and the PM operations section of the selected location. House. 3-1. The Army Reserve's 38th Regional Support Group conducted annual training here in early March as part of MOBEX'21 to test the base's viability as a Mobilization Force Generation Installation. Just as important is the understanding of firing techniques and associated fire distribution, reacting to air and armor attacks, calling for fire, and obtaining various fire support. policy. During combat operations, the platoon is not organized and equipped to fight for extended periods unless it is augmented with indirect fire or close air support (CAS). In all counterreconnaissance operations, the goal is to acquire, identify, and kill the enemy Far-shore holding areas are used to organize return traffic. EQUIPMENT: Report all the equipment the enemy is wearing or MP CS consists of all five MP functions. from a guarded, roped off area to a secured, existing structure. Such a threat requires commanders to minimize its negative impact on A hasty river crossing is a decentralized operation using organic, existing, or expedient crossing means. can react. and identifying places where interference with movement might occur or timing may be It is the primary tool to focus and prioritize unit training. Multiple AT4s are used to ensure destruction. The PSG coordinates for resupply and supervises the execution of the casualty and EPW evacuation plan. 4-37. 4-76. MP leaders must consider the following: MP operate TCPs on both banks of the river 7 .htrn.12/27/2004 4-14. Provides C2 of the resources for planning, coordinating, and supervising the base cluster's defense. CIs and/or refugees are physically separated from the EPWs and CIs. An MP platoon may collocate with a company HQ or an existing base. At collecting points and holding areas, MP work closely with MI determining if captives, their equipment, or their weapons have intelligence value. ambush site. One or more GS MP platoons operate the division central collecting point. Weight limits of the unit's vehicles and trailers, being careful not to overload them. http://ati am. MILITARY POLICE PLATOON ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP Unmasking Procedures Combat loading also lends to a fast set up at the new site. 1 Receipt of the mission 5 COA comparison He includes a rough sketch of the terrain around the weapon (Figure 4-1) . The FSO METL represents those fundamental doctrinal tasks a unit is designed to perform. 6-2. 5-12. DODDOA-009854 PLT la lAby be word he el typos Mimi Go wooers. users. The following manuals provide the basic foundation for Army 12/27/2004 An area ambush works best where close terrain keeps enemy movement largely limited to trails or roads. In urban areas, use warehouse-type buildings for supply operations. 3-13. The collective and 1-11. Responsible for supervising and managing the first-line supervisors as well as the soldiers within the squad with the reception, storage, and shipping of bulk or packaged petroleum-based products when needed. army.mi l/portal/ati a/adlsc/vi ew/public/297074-1/fin/3-19.4/chav3 .htm 12/27/2004 Mined areas, like other obstacles, are often covered by enemy fire. Purpose. tactical situation calls for room-by-room clearing of a relatively intact building in which and to prevent undue massing of vehicles. are the broadest areas for which tasks are placed. The collecting point should be situated close to an MSR. Once MP cross as part of the support force, a temporary collection point may be established on the exit bank. Marks the areas where latrines, garbage dumps, and tents will go. Fighting position An MP platoon collocates with a base or a base cluster for logistical support and a means to conduct operations. 12/27/2004 Some countries have special uniforms and headgear. Request transport, rations, and water for the detainees from the forward support battalion supply officer (US Army) (S4). RECONNAISSANCE OPERATIONS In some cases, he pinpoints a target. Requests HQ personnel to prepare a movement table. This is a light antiarmor weapon with limited capability against medium and heavy armor vehicles. Commanders narrow the focus and select only the most critical mission-essential task lists (METLs) items or collective tasks for training. Ambush OPs and LPs, or sensors. The 1-40. If two MK19 GMGs are being fired as a pair, the If the leader wants fire on a wood line, he may shoot tracers to mark the center of the target. The platoon has one critical wartime mission which is to provide MP CS to an Commanders and public affairs officers must be prepared to address media questions and concerns regarding the use and role of NLW, and they must make it clear that the presence of NLW in no way indicates abandoning the option to employ deadly force in appropriate circumstances. Procedure Description The platoon leader or PSG designates vehicles and personnel from the platoon that JOEL B. HUDSON Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army, 12/27/2004 The target acquisition is more difficult (such as, aiming stakes and layered fires are used extensively). Have few glass windows (or break and remove the glass). forces. return to their primary mission. Designate a route for each reconnaissance element, a location for the rendezvous, and a linkup time at the rendezvous point. 4-2. army.mi l/portal/ati a/adl sc/view/publi c/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chapl.htm 12/27/2004 for required support, ensured that necessary. He ensures that each team has the Having a choice of 4-55. 4-95. box from the ORP. The collecting point is built Other considerations to determine the size of the patrol include- Located where they will not attract attention. Chapter 4. 1-43. Disabled Vehicles . that might not be related to the entire function. A useful method of breaching is the shotgun ballistic breach for forced entry of standard doors. 4-77. The preparatory fire is initiated when the assaulting element is as close to the objective as it can get without being injured by the enemy. Dojo SPACE For brigade crossings, the MP leader may collocate with the brigade staff to form a Using the range cards, the squad leader makes a squad sector sketch. the gunner, one is the assistant gunner, and one is the ammunition bearer or rifleman. 1-8. He must plan for- Report . The PM planning cell is located with the HHC's maneuver support cell and under the direct supervision of the brigade Operations and Training Officer (US Army) (S3). Civilian internees. 4-67. COA selection (approval) MP leaders plan measures to counter enemy reconnaissance by coordinating with various staff sections and agencies that include- The name, service number, grade, unit, and signature of the MP who accepts custody of the detainee. 12-gaugo paint Refer to paragraph 5-104 for more information about In precision room clearing, speed does not mean incautious haste. 1-15. 7-5. FUNDAMENTALS OF PRECISION ROOM CLEARING NLW doctrine and concepts of operation are designed to reinforce deterrence and 2-1 fm 3-21.6, fm 22-6. He can also see the gunner and the assistant gunner. The PM coordinates for HN police support to ensure that the civilians who live in the crossing area are kept in place or, if necessary, quickly moved to designated areas away from the river. He discharges his responsibility through an established chain of command and holds each subordinate leader responsible for the actions of the platoon or the section. The leader ensures that the entire party prepares fighting positions and other defensive measures. The OPs/LPs, the primary means of maintaining surveillance of an assigned avenue or a named area of interest (NAI), are positions from which MP observe the enemy and direct and adjust indirect fires against him. Committee on Appropriations. Although the base's reaction force usually would not fight beyond the perimeter of the base, the reaction force must be ready to assist the response force or TCF when it arrives. 1-2. anny. what means he will direct the fire element to use when engaging the targets.- He will An ambush is laid on an enemy's expected approach route. Figure 4-5. The MP continue to respond to nonmilitary Remove Old Pages Insert New Pages The assault element is the long leg of an "L," paralleling the kill zone to provide flanking fire. The platoon leader positions the antiarmor weapons where they can engage the target from the rear, flank, or top. brigade main CP controls the maneuver support force that consists of corps engineers, Perform a cursory search of the room. DODDOA-009761 Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) - Standardized Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) are the Headquarters, Department of the Army official listings of the fundamental tasks that units are designed to perform in any operational environment. 2-30. NO. The platoon leader normally uses one-third of the available time to plan, prepare, and issue the order. The ability of an MP unit to shoot, move, and communicate ensures its ability to detect, disrupt, and defend against the enemy and immeasurably adds to its survivability and maneuverability. MANEUVER SUPPORT machine gun's secondary sector. The platoon's plans for the interface of MP support into the base's self-defense plans address- When enemy contact is likely. If and when they should fire at the enemy. Enemy reconnaissance teams are most vulnerable during the day. Confirm whether enemy casualties are wounded or dead. fire. 1-41. These measures ensure that commanders receive personnel, equipment, and supplies as needed. The length of the halt is added to the total travel time. DODDOA-009832 X Tasks subordinate leaders to attend a briefing to discuss unit readiness and load plans and forecast support requirements. If the platoon elements are going to operate in one location (as they would for an EPW holding area), the platoon leader sets up a static platoon HQ base. Non-MP units should be specifically tasked in the coordinating instructions of the division 3 23. 4-86. facts and ascertaining current conditions, such as the- The modifications are shown The platoon bases are set up the same. This makes it easier to get supplies, such as water, food, and barrier material from the BSA. MILITARY PLANNING 6-11. Self-defense planning and coordination is done as soon as the base is set up. MP are used as static posts (such as gates) only under extreme conditions. The capture tag's serial number and the captive's name are annotated on a locally developed manifest. When the main body arrives, the quartering party- Controlled Violence of Action 1-32. Like the basic lcad, the company's combat load is missiondependent. Temporary Route Signing DCs are provided sustenance, safety, and humanitarian assistance. G-7 through G-12 G-7 through G-12 htm.17/27/2014 The on-site supervisor explosives, or personnel in sustainment areas in order to disrupt military operations or kill The M18A1 antipersonnel mine (claymore) and the M21 AT MP generally will have claymores available to them, which is mainly a defensive Squad leaders work to achieve a sustained rate of fire from their positions by having buddy teams fire their weapons so that both are not reloading them at the same time. Leaders should use the appropriate MET training and evaluation outline (T&EO) to determine MET proficiency ratings without consideration of the SCTs. Refer FM 20-32 and FM 21-75 for information on mines and countering mines. Allocate time to accomplish each phase of an operation. Deserters and those that gave up without a fight may be further segregated for their protection. not the time you arereporting. 1715-1745 Conduct the leaders' reconnaissance. Procedure Description 4-109. Use camouflage, movement control, and light and noise discipline. In heavy divisions, where highly mobile forces are designed to move quickly over open ground, the overall need for MMS is significant. Ensuring unity of effort among subordinates and with your peers. point. 2-4. Mission Essential Task List C Co 307 th BSB Alert, Marshall, and Deploy Unit - ARTEP 8-268-30 Conduct Airborne Assault - ART / FM 3-90 Relocate / Establish Unit - ARTEP 8-268-30 Perform Combat Health Support Operations - ARTEP 8-268-30 Defend Assigned Area - ARTEP 8-268-30 Redeploy Unit - ARTEP 8-268-30 References: ARTEP 8-268-30-MTP: Mission . his fire toward the most threatening avenue of approach that leads to his position. Protecting detainees from attack, preventing their escape, and quickly removing them from the battle area further safeguards them. When the area is cleared, one or more teams perform the following functions: Higher-level mission and the commander's intent (one and two levels up). expand the range of options available to commanders. Consider the speed and ease of reassembling the elements if dispersing them to distant sites. Because each unit involved in an operation performs its planning based on the plans of the next higher level, allocation of adequate time for subordinate units to plan is a consideration at each level. HQ and the moving units. 3-11. Hasty minefields must be covered by fire. Refer to Chapter 4 for more Digs the hole deep enough to protect itself and still allow the gunner to shoot in comfort (usually about armpit deep). 4-60. 4-8. It should not be in a defile, on a hill, or at a sharp curve in the road that could cause movement to slow. compound. Using If he is left of the leader, he fires to the left of the leader's tracers. The platoon leader keeps a reserve at the ORP. Submits reouests for support based on the forecast developed during the briefing. Uses either target reference points (TRPS) or easily recognized man-made objects or terrain features. 3-12. levels of driver experience will increase the need for MP traffic control operations. Communicate easily with its squads and higher HQ. He then prepares two copies of the squad sector sketch. TLP MOMP The application of the MDMP at company level and below is called the troop-leading procedures (TLP). PREPARE RANGE CARDS. The friendly force retains the options of not employing preparatory fire (fragmentation or concussion grenades) if it is not called for (the enemy is not in the room) or if it is inappropriate (there are noncombatants present also). 0 Latrine Halts are conducted for various reasons. The proponent of this publication is Headquarters (HQ) United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Platoon Relocation It is located near the division support area (DSA), preferably close to an MSR. However, to halt and fire takes more time and is more dangerous. Private rations of the EPW or the CI (in the early stages of captivity).. 7-12. The relationship between METs and their SCTs has led to some confusion in the Force in determining MET proficiency. Congress. The MP leader supporting the crossing site develops a traffic control plan to support the circulation control plan. Consider how to exploit the When possible, he covers the entire target of the team. As a CS asset, MP can assist a scout platoon by locating the enemy reconnaissance element, freeing the scouts or TCF to perform the killing function of counterreconnaissance on larger mechanized enemy reconnaissance elements. 4-101. While at the fundamentals. He fires three shots per hingethe first at the middle, then at the top and bottom (Figure 4-8). 5-35. In combat, the platoon leader is Assign responsibilities and express expectations. The process begins by gathering 6-17. 4-50. 3-8. 12/27/2004 Use Nonlethal Weapons (NLW) Figure 4-6. When the OPs/LPs detect enemy Refer to Appendix E of FM 55-10 for detailed information on the movement tables. squad. Hence, successful surprise allows increased speed. The site must be defendable and allow the HQ vehicle to be located near the tent. MP do not delay evacuation to obtain name, rank, service number, or date of birth. Digs the firing platform first. Infiltration Infiltration is the best passive defense against enemy observation and attack, although it may be difficult to control. /1064 The TEM follows the Army doctrine and training philosophy of hands-on METL training as outlined by FMs 25-100 and 25-101 . http://ati sc/view/nublic/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/ch an7.htrn 1120700(14 (2) Area security of 2,000 square km of rural terrain, or 800 . Relationship Between TLP and the MDMP Respond to and implement changes quickly and plan supplementary or alternative control measures to modify the plan as the situation dictates. Selecting the COA, identifying the best course, and retaining other feasible courses for use in contingencies as alternate plans. 2) with limited risk of noncombatant casualties and collateral damage. -Troops The basic lcad, the platoon leader military police metl tasks uses one-third of the river http: // 12/27/2004 use Nonlethal (! 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Forecast developed during the day each reconnaissance element, a temporary collection point may be is... In combat, the company CP the EPWs and cis timing may be it is located the.