Itwas that quick, and that literal and it was confirmed later by this word from Doug Addison. Recently Ive been asking God about what action to take next in my life and it makes me agree with you that discernment and the Issachar anointing are different. This Issachar anointing has been one of the key things I have prayed for that I believe has had the most impact on my life, ever. He always has something to say. Mark, Last year as I was doing some Bible reading and praying the word Issachar just popped into my head. I still dont fully understand why the name was given to me, and Ive not been as assiduous in my studies since then, but it totally came flooding back into my thoughts yesterday. Thank you very much for this, and i cant wait to do some more research, as i feel it is of extreme importance for this to anointing to be upon us in these turbulent times. Foreign invaders marched into the region and enslaved the Issachar people, using them for slave labor in their own land (and possibly other lands as well). This truly blesses me. Then she began to torment him, and his strength left him. Hi Ruth! it was confirmed later by this word from Doug Addison, Radical Prayer #1: God Wants To Honor You, Radical Prayer #2: Jesus Became Poor That You Might Become Rich, Radical Prayer #3: Wild Ideas and Witty Inventions, Radical Prayer #5: Ask God For An Angel With A Flaming Sword, Radical Prayer #6: God Wants To Set You On High, Radical Prayer #7: God Himself Will Disciple Your Children, Radical Prayer #8: The Blessing of the Bride, Radical Prayer #9: Divine Rivers in Desolate Heights, Radical Prayer #10: Decreeing Light Into Your Darkness, Radical Prayer #11: All Your Tears Turned Into Joy, How To Get Your Prayers Answered 100% of the Time, Pray This Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations, partnership details and products available for sale here, Radical Prayer #19: Prayer for the Pen of a Ready Writer, 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer, Day 1: Commanded Victories, What You Bless Will Increase In Your Life. Tribe of Zebulun | History, Symbol & Characteristics. Insightful! I belonged to the Daughters of Deborah under John Paul Jacksons mother, Ester. Not only that, but the sons of Issachar also excelled in knowledge of Gods law. God bless you all, I read your piece on the anointing of Issachar and asked God for the gift, in earnest, once again. The symbol of the Tribe of Issachar is the sun, moon, and stars, while the color of the tribe is blue. Hello,this is so powerful, and you have open my spiritual eyes.bless you man of God for coming up with such teaching of Issachar anointing. Jacob blessed each of his sons before his death. The Tribe of Issachar's descendants were mostly scholars, including those who created the Israelite calendar. Learn about who Issachar and the Tribe of Issachar are in the Bible. May God give each seeker the desires of their hearts according to His Glory and not ours. It was a fertile land, somewhere in the central spans of the region, and the Issachar people eventually became prosperous from their manual labor working the land. May he continue to bless you sister and all who read you Blog. Pray for God will be done. Issachar's blessing from his father in Genesis 49:14-15. Queen of Sheba Appearance & History | Who Was the Queen of Sheba? Keep in mind there are actual sons of Issachar. Jamie, Thank you, I appreciate the welcome, and most definitely appreciate the prayers!!!! He saw that a resting place was good, and that the land was pleasant, so he bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant at forced labor." NASB: "Issachar is a strong donkey, Lying down between the sheepfolds. They could discern the changing of the times. I have always been fascinated by the sons of Issachar and often my prayer to be like them. As I am involved with public office and seeking a more prominent role to serve my country, The Bahamas, through politics, I am really asking God for HIS magnification to specifics and timing with ideas, discernment in the direction HE wants not only me but my country to go. They understood the natural times, coulddiscernthe face of the sky,were weather-wise, could advise their neighbours in the proper times for ploughing, sowing reaping, etc. As the blessing implies, Issachar's tribe found a pleasant land to settle in once the region of Canaan was conquered and divided between the twelve tribes. They knew how to rule, and the rest knew how to obey.. I have not been released. God bless you Jamue. At some point, a famine struck the land they lived in, and Issachar went down to Egypt with his brothers to get grain. They knew what Israel should do and when it should be done. Blessing from Nigeria. Thank you and may God continue to bless you with His Presence. Issachar's name has two possible etymologies and meanings, both of which are derived from the circumstances of his conception and birth. Found this site as I was studying Issachar anointing. Amen. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many; yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering. Hi there! This is soooooooooooooo delicious with word and scripture. The events that followed proved that, sure enough, it was a new season. What revelation !! The tribe of Issachar was united in their support of David, according to the passage quoted above from 1 Chronicles 12:32. That new season was shorter than I expected it to be. The Lord also directly called me to be a Deborah back in 2009 and confirmed it 3x independently. Jacob's blessing of Issachar went something like this: Issachar is a strong donkey,Lying down between two burdens;He saw that the rest was good,And that the land was pleasant;He bowed his shoulder to bear a burden,And became a band of slaves. During the time of ancient Israel, notable descendants of Issachar included 200 members of the religious Sanhedrin and even two Israelite kings: Baasha and Elah. Levi's descendants, however, formed a priestly sect rather than a tribe, and Joseph's two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, formed separate tribes after Jacob blessed both as if they were his direct sons rather than grandsons. From the archives: I first wrote about the anointing of the sons of Issachar several years ago. When signs and wonders happened in the heavens (with the sun, moon, stars, etc), the sons of Issachar knew how to interpret the meaning of those events. Here's how you can obtain the anointing of the sons of Issachar: 1. Therefore, they sided with Deborah and went out to battle under her leadership. I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Our vision is to bring revival to Israel, the Church, and the nations through a deeper understanding and revelation of the power of covenant. Tribe of Gad Backstory & Symbol | What is the Tribe of Gad? King Herod: Biography & Bible | Who Was Herod? I live in Atlanta. My best part was to ASK, and pay attention to what God is doing In Hebrew, Issachar means either "man of reward" or "hired man." His name is associated with the circumstances of his birth. Issachar was Jacob's ninth son, and his fifth biologically with his first wife, Leah. It turns out, calling someone a strong donkey may have a deeper meaning than you'd think. As a matter of fact I am delivered from the fear of the study and topic of astronomy and astrology. Enlightening. Issachar was the product of the mandrake incident ( Genesis 30:9-18) and is a full brother of Zebulun. in a secular home. On May 25, 2014, I walked back into my house after the tattoo convention, and standing in my kitchen I felt the seasons change. Then leave a comment and tell me your thoughts on this. Even in this sense, the priests of Issachar were men of hire, living up to their namesake. From the moment of his conception, Issachar was destined to a life of manual labor. Your anointing (your revelation, gift, and how you present it) resonates with me. Im so happy that the Holy Spirit lead me to hear, about the issachar anointing, because I have been praying for God to lead me in the year of 2016 so that I would know what to do in the year2016, I just didnt know what the anointing was called. Although women did have rights in Israel, it would still have been unusual for a woman to sit in authority over the nation. All of Gods promises are available to us. There is one other very important part of Issachar's personality that we haven't discussed yet. That night, she conceived Issachar. Check out what these bad boys (and girls) had going for them: They were full of wisdom. Happy New year. Thank you so much for reading this post. Im glad it blessed you. It was as clear as a bell and Ive never forgotten it! Had no clue about,Issachar so it was put in my,spirit to study and seek revelation regarding this tribe. Calendar Types | Lunar, Solar & Metonic Cycles. Get equipped in the prophetic at The Global Prophetic Center here: . Radical Prayer #4: The Anointing of the Sons of Issachar. I was amazed by the date and its revelation. The ninth son of Jacob and the fifth of Leah. Issachar did so; his mother, Leah, had died by this time, although the circumstances of her death are not recorded. Your article has blessed me so much and I know God is showing me that I need to pray for this anointing. I heard God say to me, You have entered into a new season, and I literally felt one door of time close, and another door of time open. I know it wasnt me remembering a random name, it was way different to that. In my walk with God, I do not believe in coincidence. Blessings. ( Genesis 46:13; Numbers 26:23 Numbers 26:25; 1 Chronicles 7:1) The number of the fighting men of Issachar, when taken in the census at Sinai, was 54,400. Thank you Jamie, i am blessed. All you have to do to receive the anointing of the sons of Issachar from the Lord is to ask for it. I have prayed and I am ready for gift. I know God has a call on my life and I believe that I am beginning to see it unfold. but if i or someone knew and understood, then such would offer counsel. The Bible lists Issachar as having four sons. What do you notice here? This night led to Issachar's conception. I will keep in touch as God fills me with this anointing. What can we learn from the tribe of Ephraim? 53-8-1 to 53-8-99 NMSA 1978; Business Classification Text Praise God! After reading your article, I saw a clearer picture of my stance under the authority and citizenship of heaven. Yesterday (8/3/20) I woke up to hearing those words, Sons of Issachar and wasnt sure what that was about! Read them all on this topic. This has helped me to prepare a sermon about The Issachar Annoiting. Again, may Papa bless you plenty. If youd like to help, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. Now when they fall, they shall be aided with a little help; but many shall join with them by intrigue. Like you, I didnt understand it. The sons of Issachar shows that the anointing belongs to a group of people who are far more effective than an individual in moving and directing a nation or nations. God bless you real good. 2. Tribe of Naphtali Symbolism & History | What was the Naphtali Tribe? Nevertheless, God was with Deborah. I know God is creating the perfect messenger for my husband and hes going to silence all others voices and let his be so loud there will be no confusion for Clayton to hear gods call to him to seek Jesus. As I was reading this post, I said to myself, this sounds like some moments Ive had. Of course, as a child, I didnt think much of it. Thank you. Thank you. All rights reserved. However, most scholars consider the conflation of Jashub/Job as the Job of the book of Job unlikely. God bless you , Your email address will not be published. My question is do I still pray for this anointing if I already feel I have this anointing? This has been a blessing for me! Jacob said that Issachar was a strong donkey whose descendants would settle in a good land, but bear the burdens of others and even become slaves. These twelve brothers each had their own role in the family and the faith, but only Jacob's ninth son, Issachar, was known as the donkey of the group. God is raising up those who desire to operate in the Issachar anointing. Jamie, I need this Isacchar anointing in my life to keep me in check and balance of the time and season around me and my people. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for The Issachar Calling of Waterflow, NM. Have a wonderful day! So glad to be of service. Your blog is so insightful and I am so blessed by it. It was not only expedient, but necessary; the present posture of affairs called for it. Thank you. How do I go about receiving this wonderful gift? Who was Issachar in the Bible? This piece is awesome. I had been selected to be part of a team of women named the daughters of Issachar. The date is November 11, lately its been popping in the FB page even in you tube and I do not know the significance of it other than an online shopping sale, but as I was browsing the net, theres just a thought that tells me to look for the sons of Issachar and then I read your blog as I was searching for it. Many things in your blog hit home with me. A stander-by sees sometimes more than a gamester. Dont know why I am being directed in this path but your information has helped me out and as the prayers that are in this article I will write them down and pull them in my daily prayers as well. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to read your daughters blog today, I must say I havent read it in a couple of weeks please dont be offended. Tribe of Levi in the Bible | Levites, Facts, Symbol & History, Lion of the Tribe of Judah in the Bible | Overview, Symbol & History, Tribe of Judah | Judah, Descendants & History, The Great Flood and Population Migrations. Discerning the times and seasons is so crucial. I read your article above. Additionally, Issachar's brother Joseph was their father's favorite, which provoked jealousy among the brothers. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. This trait was passed onto his descendants. Tribe of Asher History, Identity & Context | Who was Asher in the Bible? Her name was Deborah. The ancient history of Judaism tells of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, each one founded by a son of Jacob, the progenitor of the Israelites. Finally, Rachel had two sons of her own: Joseph and Benjamin. In the Jewish and Christian traditions, Issachar was Jacob's ninth son, who he had with one of his wives named Leah. This reaffirms descriptions of Issachar as somewhat wild and crass, like a wild donkey kicking and braying. Rachel then gave her servant Bilhah to Jacob to have two sons through Bilhah on Rachel's behalf: Dan and Naphtali. Paula, hi. 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