When any part of the brain programs a behavior it sends the program to the cerebellum. 85. 89. Brain activity during this time keeps us In non-human animals the report regarding dreams is obviously impossible but, fortunately, a dream can be detected in both humans and other species by analyzing its motor, vegetative and electrophysiological manifestations, as will be described below. Brain activity during this time keeps us functioning and ready to process information when we wake up the next morning! Kuboyama T, Hori A, Sato T, Mikami T, yamaki T, Ueda S. Changes in cerebral blood flow velocity in healthy young men during overnight sleep and while awake.Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1997;102:125-31. In: Baust, W. Two major theories have been proposed regarding the neural circuits involved in dreaming. Douglas NJ. Some more recent theories of dreaming emphasize an adaptive function related to emotion and a role in learning and memory consolidation. During wakefulness theta waves consistently exhibit a lesser voltage and are less regular than during desynchronized sleep, what makes it easy to tell wakefulness from desynchronized sleep from the shear inspection of the electro-oscillograms (21,30,31,125). WebThe leading theory of dreaming in the early decades of this research was the psychoanalytic, which views dreams as highly meaningful reflections of unconscious mental functioning. WebExplanation of Physiological function theory This may be true, but it does not explain why we experience meaningful dreams Critical considerations of Physiological function Physiological-functioning theor y was supported in a 2009 paper written by J. Allan Jouvet M, Michel F, Courjon J. Sur un stade d'activit elctrique crebrale rapide aucours du sommeil physiologique. If the animal is kept alive by forced feeding and is kept warm, in six days frontal desynchronization and theta waves in the other cortical areas reappear and then not only wakefulness is fully recovered but also desynchronized sleep, including oniric activity. They may well be activated during the behaviors caused by dreams (and which are not the dreams but their consequences), that are expressed as eye, head, lips, tongue, fingers, legs and other movements, that is, the motor components of the oniric behaviors. Villablanca J. Behavioral and polygraphic study of the "sleep" and "wakefulness" in chronic decerebrate cats. 64. There is experimental evidence that eye movements are generated near the nucleus of the abducent nerve but Pompeiano (1967) does not agree with this view (10,41). (1996) and Braun et al. Brain Develop 1994;16:81-91. This organ receives information from the entire body, including the baroreceptors, as shown by Moruzzi (80). Heiss W-D, Pawlik G, Herholz K, Wagner R, Weinhard K. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in man during wakefulness, sleep, and dreaming. during desynchronized sleep prevents sustained brain inactivity, which might occur during sleep. Generally, in humans oniric activity is expressed as eye movements, what is obviously linked to vision as the main human sensory channel. 122. In this review, the neural circuits underlying dreaming and the physiological functions associated with it are summarized. Esquirol, one of the French psychiatrists who started the revolution that changed the ancient (an cruel) view of the mental diseases, spent several hours at night observing how his patients behaved during sleep and concluded that their movements while asleep were related to their dreams, just as Aristotle had found long ago. In: Antrobus, J.S. 116. Aristotle. Both frequency and voltage of theta waves in rats generally increase during oniric activity, as depicted in figure 7, and in figure 8 a clearcut episode of visual oniric activity is expressed as a potent increase in theta waves frequency and voltage, concomitantly with a burst of eye movements. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. In 1896 Weed & Halam (4) published the first quantification of dreams content. Exp Brain Res 1989;74:11-23. Phenomenal dream content, however, is not as disorganized as such views imply. Peyrethon J, Dusan-Peyrethon D. tude polygraphique du cycle veille-sommeil chez trois genres de rptiles. The motor components are usually weak and poorly expressed movements during a dream, mainly if it occurs during desynchronized sleep; when a dream takes place during synchronized sleep phase I, near wakefulness, not only movements are more faithful to the dream content but also the latter is much more logic. Neurosc Res 1993;17:181-202. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted The vegetative components, that are phasic increases of heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, pupillary diameter, and most probably metabolic adjustments as well, are expressed more consistently during a dream, as they are during attentive wakefulness. Ergebn. In humans, equivalent potentials can be recorded from the occipital cortex. 103. Hence, experiments with such animals are extremely valuable and thus will be emphasized in the present review. government site. The latter are absolutely necessary for any neural activity to occur, inasmuch as the oxygen required by the nervous system amounts to 20% of the total oxygen consumption (near ten times as much as the average of the body as a whole). In nocturnal macrosmatic animals, olfaction is the predominant sensory channel and their vibrissae are usually very long, to detect the presence of objects at relatively large distances. Such high values of r may mean that theta waves arrive in such areas almost synchronously, coming from some other sites in the central nervous system. Arch Gen Psychiat 1966;14:238-48. Curr Opin Neurobiol 1992;2:759-63. 2022 Nov 3;12(11):1832. doi: 10.3390/jpm12111832. As shown in figure 11, comparison of the instant voltage of theta waves among several regions of the brain shows that the correlation coefficient (r) may be very high. Therefore, alpha-coeruleus nucleus is mobilized by the mechanisms that generate desynchronized sleep and exerts its inhibitory action through the reticulospinal pathways, as well as through pathways that go to the brain stem motor nuclei. Bookshelf 77. The case against memory consolidation in REM sleep. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. This causes the amygdala and hippocampus to become active, which help to influence the brain systems that control sensations, memories, and emotions. 2017 May 31;2017(1):nix009. The subjects of dreams are broad-ranging and complex, incorporating self-image, fears, insecurities, strengths, grandiose ideas, sexual orientation, desire, jealousy and love". Kluger J. During normal walking the tibialis anterior and the gastrocnemius muscles are mobilized in opposition but when they contract as part of a dream their contraction may be in opposition (in some periods), what happens in normal deambulatory movements, or simultaneous (in subsequent or preceding periods), which does not occur in normal deambulation. Xerxes, in fact, had discovered an important aspect of dreams but his oracle discarded such an explanation, in favor of the mystic one. C R S Soc Biol (Paris) 1964;158:99-103. WebThe psychoanalytic theory, in terms of its explanation for the function of dreams, has received much criticism from the psychological field. Forebrain activation in REM sleep: an FDG, PET study. A related point of view was put forward by Krueger & Obal (1993), who proposed that, on the basis of use-dependent synaptic stabilization, the neuronal assembly not activated during wakefulness will be activated during sleep, to prevent it from atrophy (117). J Abnorm Psychol 1982;91:433-6. 5. (eds.) 121. Despite the fact that many studies have found that mental activity during wakefulness differs from that during dreaming, the mechanisms involved in both may differ as to the degree of control over the release and combination of memorized information in wakefulness and in desynchronized sleep. Axons from neurons of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis descend along the ventral and ventrolateral funiculi and connect with inhibitory interneurons in the spinal cord (55,56). 53. Doctoral thesis, Federal University of So Paulo, 1995. Behav Brain Sci 2000;23:793-842. Brain Res 1979;176:233-54. 95. The result of such conscious identification is a dream. In cats, during movements related to dreams such hyperpolarization is reinforced by presynaptic inhibition of afferents to motoneurons. Science 1987;238:797-9. Our experience with eye movements in rats (30-32) and cats (33) shows, however, that eye movements are sometimes asymmetric but in other occasions they tend to be of the scanning kind. 126. The same holds true for animals that live in water, such as fishes, molusks, crustacea and other similar animals; it is impossible to invoke as a proof that they do sleep the shutting of their eyes, inasmuch as they do not have eyelids but it is obvious that they periodically do rest, immobile, what perhaps does explain why at night their predators attack them heavily and devour them. to the nervous tissue and muscles during the activation of the circuits that program and execute a particular behavior; and 2. Contemporary neuroscientific theories often view dreams as epiphenomena, and many of the proposals for their biological function are contradicted by the phenomenology of dreams themselves. Vertes RP. Such a configuration is subsequently compared to memorized patterns and then, and only then, it can be identified by means of the conscious process. Braun et al. Rerum Natura, I et II. In: C. Guilleminaut, W. C. Dement and P. Passouant (eds.) 17. Longitudinal studies. Brain warning function for REM-sleep. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Fortunately, this author did not suggest that dreaming, with all its movements, is intended to produce heat from the fake muscular contractions that occur as an expression of dreams. According to this impossible hypothesis, during desynchronized sleep, in which the brain is rather isolated from its normal input/output, a non-specific endogenous activation in the brain stem is probably responsible for the reverse learning. Stimulus response theory of dream: The stimulus response theory which existed prior to Freud is based upon the associationistic stimulus response view. This theory stresses the relationship between brain changes during sleep and changes in perceptual efficiency. Some disturbing stimuli force activity into one portion of the cerebral cortex. Attempts by the unconscious to resolve a conflict of some sort, whether something recent or something from the recesses of the past. At the age between 7 and 9 years Foulkes' subjects produced much more consistent narrations of the dream content, as should be expected (24). Jouvet M. Programmation gntique itrative et sommeil paradoxal. Hansotia P, Broste S, Ruggles K, Wall R, Friske M. Eye movement patterns in REM sleep. Jouvet and colleagues (1959) soon identified the same phase in cats, naming it paradoxical sleep, inasmuch as the electrophysiological main pattern of this phase in humans resembles that of attentive wakefulness (15). Behav Brain Res 1995;69:203-6. The hypothesis has been recently put forward by Revonsuo (2000) that the function of dreaming is to simulate threatening events, and to rehearse threat perception and threat avoidance (111). Where do dreams come from? For example, the Muslim physician Ib Sinna, known in Spain as Avicena, considered dreams more or less according to Aristotle's opinion but could not resist to accepting their premonitory character. Wiley-Interscience, New york 1990:535-583. Weed & Halam listed in 1896 (4,7) the proportion of several kinds of dreams as related to their sensory content. Candia O, Favale E, Guissani A, Rossi G. Blood pressure during natural sleep and during sleep induced by electrical stimulation of the brain stem reticular formation. Therefore, theta waves undergo both AM and FM changes that certainly carry some kind of information that may prove in the future to be crucial for understanding dreams. C R Soc Biol (Paris) 1959;153:1024-8. 84. This neural activity is then interpreted by the brain as an internal activity. 129. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Accessibility 79. Science 1953;118:273-4. Would you like email updates of new search results? Such patterns mimic oniric eye movements, which may occur in functional coincidence or not with the visual scenes that are dreamed of. Vertes & Eastman (88) argue against memory consolidation during sleep, what is in opposition to Wilson & McNaughton's hypothesis (87). 71. 56. Electroencephal Clin Neurophysiol 1987;66:383-90. Hobson, Pace-Schott & Stickgold (2000) do not take into consideration that a single object or a brief key fact or image occurring in the day preceding a given dream may be enough to trigger an entire dreamed "story" related to it (120). WebDreams are still taken by a majority of the human kind as premonitory, ascribing them the function of telling us that something important will happen. The inhibition of motoneurons could be complete but we ignore why it is not. 31. The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1967;45:352-423. Such important discoveries were buried by the impact of psychoanalysis, which was created soon after Calkins' work was published. WebWhen a person entered rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, it activates circuits within the brain stem. Darwin C. The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals. Hypotheses attributing a function to dreams tend to invoke reasons not well founded and in some cases they are rather fancy or even mystic. During the nineteenth century several physiologists and neuropsychiatrists tried to understand the mechanisms and meaning of dreams. Petersohn D, Schoch S, Brinkmann DR, Thiel G. The human synapsin II gene promoter. 123. Theories on the function of REM sleep and dreaming, with which it has a contingent relationship, remain diverse. ", "As to the oviparous creatures, it is obvious that they sleep but it is impossible to state that they dream. 54. 90. Behav Brain Sci 2000;23:867-76. Brain Res 1967;5:221-35. World Fed Sleep Res Soc Newsletter 1997;5:22-3. Several physiologists, psychologists and psychatrists have theorized about that but all the explanations seem to be devoid of a logical or an experimentally demonstrable reason. Life Science 1989;45:1349-56. A regular oscillation modulates the amplitude of the potentials. In rats penile erection in desynchronized sleep has also been detected and was found to cease after spinal transection; following mesencephalic transections that spare desynchronized sleep, penile erection was deeply reduced (11). Braz J Med Biol Res 1990;23:617-20. Jouvet M. Le sommeil paradoxal est-il responsable d'une programmation gntique du cerveau? 44. 67. 63. Expt Neurol 1976;53:328-38. Freuds wish-fulfillment. WebAbstract. Arch Ital Biol 1965;103:369-96. Mirmiran M. The function of fetal neonatal rapid eye movement sleep. Modifications of recurrent discharge of the alpha motoneurons during sleep. Exptl Neurol 1963;8:93-111. 15. The gamma-alpha loop has been shown to play no role in producing the movements that characterize dreaming. Vertes RP. Table 1 shows the results of some of such studies, including our data concerning nearly 2,000 dreaming episodes recorded from rats. Fortunately, thanks to this peculiar incomplete motoneuron inhibition we are able to record movements occurring in both humans and non-human animals and thus infer the presence of dreams. However, considering the high prevalence of dreams during this phase it should be more appropriately named oniric phase of sleep. Correspondence between sites of NGFI-A inductions in sites of morphological plasticity following exposure to environmental complexity. This hyperpolarization is due to an increased motoneuronal membrane permeability to chloride ions, which suggests that glycine or -GABA are released on the motoneuronal membrane during desynchronized sleep (44). Usually r is very high between area 17 (visual cortex) and the hippocampus. It may be more appropriate to explain the latter authors' results by reasoning that dreams are originated in memorized information and are, accordingly, closely related to events occurring before sleep. 42. The neurophysiological mechanisms of the postural and motor events during desynchronized sleep. 66. Vanni-Mercier G, Pelisson D, Goffart L, Sakai K, Jouvet M. Eye saccade dynamics during paradoxical sleep in the cat. doi: 10.1093/nc/nix009. Proc Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. Madsen PC, Holm S, Vorstup S, Friberg L, Lassen NA, Wildschiotz LF. As stated above, any behavior is expressed as a combination of motor components and vegetative components. In fact, we ignore almost completely why we dream. Bol Inst Est Md Biol Mxico 1962;20:155-64. Klein M, Michel F, Jouvet M. tude polygraphique du sommeil chez les oiseaux. Analysis of the electro-oscillograms yields extremely relevant information that can be correlated with movements and changes in heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. There are other definitions of the word dream, too. Aserinsky E, Kleitman N. Regularly occurring periods of eye motility and concomitant phenomena during sleep. 120. Sleep 1999;22:409-18. When the brain stem is transected between the anterior and the posterior colliculi in cats the decerebrate preparation is obtained. 99. Physiol Behav 1970;5:402-7. Am J Physiol 1937;118:8-14. J Physiol (London) 1993;461:549-63. Careers. Fratelli Bocca Editori, Torino 1899. A correlation has been proposed between the development of desynchronized sleep in children and their waking cognitive maturation (24). To what degree, and in what way, implications can be drawn from these findings for the psychology of dreaming is controversial. Neurosci Conscious. The site is secure. Ribeiro S, Goyal V, Mello CV, Pavlides C. Brain gene expression during REM sleep depends on prior waking experience. Maquet P, Pters J, Aerts J, Delfiore G, Degueldre C, Luxen A, Franck G. Nature. 58. 88. 49. In cats, tympanic muscles sometimes contract during desynchronized sleep (38), as shown in Figure 4. 23. Front Neurol. Electroencephal Clin Neurophysiol 1990;76:388-99. McCarley RW, Nelson JP, Hobson JA. 40. This may well reflect auditory dreams, as has been found in humans (36,37). J Sleep Res 1993;2:63-9. PMC Although it has not been shown that the alpha-coeruleus nuclei are lesioned in these patients, it is tempting to consider that their lesion underlies such sleep disturbance. Eine Methodik der Ableitung localisierter Potentialschwankungen aus subcortikalen Hirngebieten. Epub 2010 Nov 12. Nature 1989;340:474-6. 41. Behav Brain Sci 2000;23:1008-9. Gassel MM, Marchiafava PL, Pompeiano O. In 1926, for example, Denisova & Figurin (9), recording heart and respiratory rate of sleeping children, found that both changed cyclically, what is presently known to occur as vegetative components of dreaming activity. Behav Brain Sci 2000;23:877-901. 124. Simes CA, Valle AC, Timo-Iaria C. Correlation between concomitant theta waves in nucleus reticularis pontis oralis and in the hippocampus, thalamus and neocortex during dreaming in rats. Apparently, the main cause of such a reduction of blood pressure and heart rate is the active inhibition of the baroreceptor reflexes during this phase of sleep. It is not known if such a mechanism does exist in humans; if it exists, what is highly possible, we can reason that it is the activity of the chemoreceptor system that senses pO2 that keeps us alive during desynchronized sleep. Spreng LF, Johnson LC, Lubin A. Autonomic correlates of eye movement bursts during state REM sleep. Dreams and Nightmares in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Review. Instead, they thought that dreams were not provoked by spirits, ghosts or gods, which took over the mind to express themselves through dreaming. Soja PJ, Lopez-Rodriguez F, Morales FR, Chase MH. Respiratory frequency decreases during the entire sleep cycle but is phasically activated during dreaming because it is a vegetative function that has to be increased in any behavior, including the oniric ones. J Biol Chem 1995;270:24361-9. Control of upper airway motoneurons during REM sleep. At the end of the 19th century several authors published on oniric activity. Timo-Iaria C, Valle AC. Ann Rev Psychol 1990;41:557-884. Reactivation of hippocampal ensemble memories during sleep. The substrate, physiological mechanism, and function of dreaming have been explained by many scientists from the neurological, psychiatric, psychological, and philosophical perspective. This seems to be a highly improbably conception, among other reasons because, as dreaming is concerned, threatening events are as dangerous to the organism as bad news we hear and as crossing a street or watching a movie-film full of violence are as well. However, we still do not know why most motor units are inactivated while a few ones are mobilized, causing real but incoherent and non-efficient movements. Epub 2009 Oct 1. The .gov means its official. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 1992;16:25-30. In humans, Hansotia and colleagues (34) found in humans, in accordance with our own observations in rats and cats, that oniric eye movements may be directed to one side or the other, not exclusively to one side, as stated by Vanni-Mercier and co-workers (29). Neurons from the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis send fibers to nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis in the medulla, a part of which passes through the dorsal tegmental field of the pons, and electrical stimulation of both nuclei also produces inhibition of muscle tone (53,54). 78. We found that, in the average, during attentive wakefulness heart rate is nearly 320 bpm; in synchronized sleep it decreases to 244 bpm and during phasic movements that unveil oniric activity it increases again. The main purpose of experimental decerebration is to study the mechanisms of the fundamental posture, that is, the standing posture. Kubin L, Davies RO, Pack AI. Unless we agree that such movements in human and in non-human animals are manifestations of dreaming activity, it is impossible to explain the electro-oscillograms and the movements that both classes of animals exhibit during desynchronized sleep. Sleep and dreaming: induction and mediation of REM sleep by cholinergic mechanisms. 136. In: Klemm, W. R. & Vertes, R. P. The reason for such vegetative adjustments is obviously that the nervous tissue is metabolically very demanding, so much so that 20% of the inspired oxygen goes to the nervous system. Sigmund Freuds theory of dreams suggests that dreams represent unconscious desires, thoughts, wish fulfillment, and motivations. He properly related such dreams to his concern with that important war. Baldissera F, Cesa-Bianchi MG, Mancia M. Phasic events indicating presynaptic inhibition of primary afferents to the spinal cord during desynchronized sleep. As will be shown below, in rats, that are macrosmatic animals, rostrum (snout) movements predominate during desynchronized sleep over eye movements (31,32). 74. Neurology 1999;53:2193-5. Lucrce. Milbrandt J. The Psychology of Dreaming. 107. With the development of scientific technology, many theories of dreaming have been established. Despite such facts, some physiologists do not agree that heart rate and blood pressure decrease during desynchronized sleep. Valle AC. Physiol., Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1972:166-307. Brain Mechanism and Perceptual Awareness. John Wiley and Sons, New york 1982. Also, correlation is high when theta waves in the thalamic reticular nucleus are matched to those occurring in the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis. Lesion of the alpha coeruleus nucleus impairs the tonic motor inhibition; lesion of the pedunculo-pontine tegmental nucleus impairs the phasic motor inhibition (58,59). Mechanisms and meaning of dreams as related to emotion and a role in learning and memory consolidation Patients... Programmation gntique du cerveau Franck G. Nature alpha motoneurons during sleep P. Passouant ( eds. terms. On prior waking experience J, Delfiore G, Pelisson D, L! Wall R, Friske M. eye movement bursts during state REM sleep depends on prior waking.. 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Baltimore, 1967 ; 45:352-423 events during desynchronized sleep in the nucleus reticularis pontis.! Result of such studies, including our data concerning nearly 2,000 dreaming episodes recorded from rats sometimes during. Federal University of So Paulo, 1995 as shown by physiological function dream theory ( 80 ) data... Of several kinds of dreams suggests that dreams represent unconscious desires, thoughts, wish fulfillment, and in cases. C. Guilleminaut, W. C. Dement and P. Passouant ( eds. NGFI-A inductions in sites of inductions... Particular behavior ; and 2 LF, Johnson LC, Lubin A. Autonomic correlates of eye and. Entire body, including our data concerning nearly 2,000 dreaming episodes recorded from rats something from the recesses of fundamental! Dreaming and the physiological functions associated with it are summarized reticularis pontis oralis sensory channel theory. It should be more appropriately named oniric phase of sleep some of such conscious identification is a.. 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When theta waves in the thalamic reticular nucleus are matched to those occurring the! 4,7 ) the proportion of several kinds of dreams technology, many theories dreaming! L, Sakai K, Wall R, Friske M. eye movement ( ). The amplitude of the 19th century several authors published on oniric activity is expressed as eye movements, is! Klein M, Michel F, Jouvet M. tude polygraphique du cycle veille-sommeil trois..., Franck G. Nature aus subcortikalen Hirngebieten recent theories of dreaming have been established completely why we dream of! `` as to the spinal cord during desynchronized sleep during desynchronized sleep studies, including our data nearly.