Openly and honestly communicate with everyone. They are sometimes called working agreements, guidelines, or expectations. Regardless of the forum, conversations about diversity and inclusion can be difficult. Some common examples of ground rules include: Come to class on time, and when possible notify group members in advance of absences. Based on many years of experience with groups, there are certain behaviors that frequently create . Acknowledge that we are all systematically taught misinformation about our own group and about members of other groups. All rights reserved. Stopping and asking a participant to summarize where the discussion is at the point it appears to go off track may also help. What is said in the group, stays in the group. Undiscussable issues are those issues that are on everyones mind, but no one is able to bring them forwards. If thats the case, it should be agreed upon at the outset. Share personal experiences rather than make general statements about groups of people (stereotyping). Agree not to blame ourselves or others for the misinformation we have learned, but to accept . Health professionals and health educators. Justice, T., and Jamieson, D. (1998). Guide for Setting Ground Rules. It often helps to start by listing a few community agreements that you think will be helpful. Sometimes we are tempted to begin formulating what we want to say in response, instead of giving 100 percent of our focus to the speaker. This rule is particularly helpful in brainstorming, where the judging of ideas can be detrimental to the process. It's everyone's responsibility, to find ways that everyone can contribute their ideas and thoughts to the meeting. Services. An effective group discussion can lay the groundwork for action and real community change. These guidelines, often referred to as "ground rules" or "community norms . Its important to think about what youre most comfortable with philosophically, and how that fits what youre comfortable with personally. Your ground rules the issue of respecting everyone should address this issue, and it probably wont come upbut there are no guarantees. Source of the Forward and many of our Ground Rules; also includes fuller "Useful tools for discussions" information. Group discussions are common in our society, and have a variety of purposes, from planning an intervention or initiative to mutual support to problem-solving to addressing an issue of local concern. Provide opportunities for participants to pair-share. Dress appropriately so you can be taken seriously. Do not multi-task (do other work) during the meeting. The important variable is that a traditional "rule" is . at any time to indicate that it is time to move on to the next topic. When conflict arises, what matters when is how we deal with it. This model identified five core ways in which we could deal with conflict based on assertiveness and cooperation. Not being afraid to admit your own ignorance or confusion if you dont know something invite others to provide resources, and use the opportunity to discuss with the group how one might go about researching the issue. But getting to that point is not easy, and as we said earlier, it necessitates managing that conflict in a balanced and rational way. This ground rule highlights that the meeting is more productive and fun, if everyone participants and contributes equally. & Jensen, M. (1977) Stages of Small Group Development. Once an additional rule of thumb is proposed, ask participants if they would be willing to accept it. Ground rules help a group start and maintain aproductive discussion. Perhaps assigning the avid talker to the observer role would help the person develop sensitivity. (2004) Student perceptions of effective small group teaching. Do group members want to be called on or would they like to speak freely? Air concerns and differences among individuals or groups. To make ideas tangible, participations can for an example sketch them using simple shapes and arrows. Ground Rules. Try to keep the group on task without rushing them. Its leadership is usually less directive than that of a meeting. 3. A way to approach non-participants is to provide opportunities for smaller group discussions or pair-share discussions. Step back when a group is functional/functioning help participants become independent learners; take control of their learning. Work begins long before you sit for the group discussion. You might choose to lead a group discussion, or you might find yourself drafted for the task. IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED and need to talk after this discussion, YWCA is here to help. As instructors, offer points for participating in conversations. 40 Form-Time Discussion Starters. End on time. xx 5 Questions to Get the Diversity & Inclusion Conversation Started in Your Organization. Common ground rules include: Ground rules may also include participation-management techniques. Other ways to handle these situations include: Confrontation - Facilitators can confront the questioner with their reactions to his or her behavior. We each have a style we prefer, and sometimes, under certain circumstances, some styles are better suited to manage conflict given the situation. All too often, conflict whether conflicting opinions, conflicting world views, or conflicting personalities is so frightening to people that they do their best to ignore it or gloss it over. The focus and goals of our book readings and discussions areknowledge acquisition and learning from the text. Explain the reasoning leading to your conclusions. The first ground rule is to review each other's style of communication. (2001). You should read through and explain each one and solicit comments and questions. . Come to class with assignments completed, prepared for discussion. Involve students in the creation of guidelines. Avoid interrupting or having side conversations. Participants should read and review our Ground Rules prior to the sessions. DISCUSSION GROUND RULES We will use the Ground Rules below for our discussion group. Finally, ask the group if they can agree to the list of community agreements for the session, and post the sheet somewhere that will be visible to the full group throughout the session. 4. One is to state your opinion, but make very clear that its an opinion, not a fact, and that other people believe differently. Techniques for Leading Group Discussions, Chapter 16. Ground Rules for Respectful Discussion 1. Learn how to effectively conduct a critical conversation about a particular topic, or topics, that allows participation by all members of your organization. The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book. Make "undiscussable" ideas discussible. They are meant to be suggestions for your consideration that can be modified within reason, if the . Listen - Actively and Humbly While others are speaking, be present and attentive. Ground rules are a short list of expectations to guide how a group works together. Amherst, MA: HRD Press. 2. Debrief. Discussion prompts may include: . New York: Penguin Group, 1999. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. The more tangible ideas are, the easier it is to discuss them. Ground rules are standards set by a team to help them function in the future. Fact sheet. Take responses and add them to the list. A good facilitator helps the group set rules for itself, makes sure that everyone participates and that no one dominates, encourages the development and expression of all ideas, including odd ones, and safeguards an open process, where there are no foregone conclusions and everyones ideas are respected. That would include for example listening first, asking questions, looking for a common ground and not making it personal. -Approved Feb. 9, 2007. "Recognize the difference between opinions and informed knowledge. Bring materials to help the discussion along. Author: Lisa Hinz, Extension educator, leadership and civic engagement. In order for a support group to be successful, all participants, including the facilitator, must agree to follow specific guidelines to keep others feeling safe. Ground rules (also known as group agreements) help create these feelings from the start. As a result, discussion can become toxic and can quickly grow into conflict. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Boyce, K. (2002). Here are the 12 ground rules that we use when facilitating strategic planning sessions and beyond: 1. Poster. "Be the crew, not the passenger" highlights the value of actively contributing to the meeting (crew), instead of falling back into the role of an observer (passenger). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. 1994-2023The University of Kansas. This forces participations to clarify their ideas, helps them to avoid miscommunication, and offers a much better ground for constructive discussions and feedback. This is the new edition of the award-winning guide to social justice education. Everybody participates. There is no clear-cut answer, although if they pass unchallenged, it may appear you condone the attitude expressed. Examples of Ground Rules Below is a list of a few ground rules I've picked up along the way and have since leveraged in my training sessions/workshops. As the facilitator, it is important to ensure that all voices are heard and that ground rules are conducive to an open and honest dialogue. How to have a Diversity and Inclusion Conversation. Be prepared to contribute to achieving the meeting goals. No deposit, no return Purpose: To encourage participation and emphasize the value of learning. 5. Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), Clarke University Tips for Managing Conflict, UC Berkeley Resolving Conflict Situations, Group Dynamics for Teams by Daniel Levi, Chapter 7: Managing Conflict, TeacherVision: Conflict Resolution Activities, Conflict Resolution Activities: Effective Ideas for Classrooms, KidsHealth in the Classroom: Conflict Resolution, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Activities, The Big Book of Conflict Resolution Games: Quick, Effective Activities to Improve Communication, Trust, and Collaboration, Conflict Management Exercises and Activities to Use With Your Team, Sesame Street: Helping Kids Resolve Conflicts, Conflict Resolution: Using the Interest-Based Relational Approach. Make sure everyone gets any necessary information, readings, or other material beforehand. If the question is less clear-cut, you might want to throw it back to the group, and use it as a spur to discussion. Establishing ground rules for classroom interactions and discussions can help to promote an inclusive learning environment for all participants. Once stated, anyone in the meeting can say "ELMO!" This can have a negative impact on the meeting. Facilitating Political Discussions from the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts Universityis designed to assist experienced facilitators in training others to facilitate politically charged conversations. 3. Well begin by looking at what you might consider if you have time to prepare. Turn off/silence all cell phones, blackberries, etc. Participations often fall into patterns of using language that generalizes assumptions and opinions for everyone. Now, just to be clear: We are not saying that conflict is good per se. Explain the topic. That reaction not only leaves the conflict unresolved and therefore growing, so that it will be much stronger when it surfaces later but fails to examine the issues that it raises. It is important to ensure that the response is rational and balanced and deals with the conflict in an efficient way so we can restore our focus on the task at hand. A way to approach the dominant participant and pull in non-participants is to redirect the discussion to another person or another topic. There may actually be no need for one, in that the goal may simply be to discuss an issue or idea. The "3x3 Rule" says that everyone should wait until 3 other people have spoken, or 3 minutes have passed before speaking again. It will be helpful to read and review these Ground Rules prior to each sessionto help get people in the right frame of mind for these discussions." Wayne, NJ: Career Press, 2017. In most group settings, misunderstandings are inevitable, sometimes resulting in confusion, frustration, or defensiveness. Respect Differences? It is not enough to login and read the discussion thread of others. Respect your spouse's privacy - During your Group . To that end, there are some ground rules for participating in the group that we ask that everyone follow. Im uncomfortable with the imprecision of your questions. DISCUSSION GROUND RULES We will use the Ground Rules below for our discussion group. Allow others to share. Effective facilitation of a discussion involves the recognition and employment of different perspectives and different skills to create an inclusive environment. If youre committed to a non-directive style, but you tend to want to control everything in a situation, you may have to learn some new behaviors in order to act on your beliefs. Simply by coming to the conclusion, that it's best to agree to disagree for now, because neither of the sides is going to change their mind. It's not just for Las Vegas. It will be helpful to read and review these Ground Rules prior to each session to help get people in the right frame of mind for these discussions." (1) We will modify these as a group to meet DEI needs. Sexual health education works best in classrooms where there's a mutual feeling of trust, safety and comfort. Accept each other without making judgments. Ground rules clarify expectations of behavior during the meeting. Give everyone an opportunity to share. They identify the "rules of engagement" that support a permissive safe environment. Freeman & Co.), Sellers, S.L., Roberts, J., Giovanetto, L., Friedrich, K. & Hammargren, C. (2007) Reaching All Students-A Resource for Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (Second Edition) (Madison, WI: Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning). Meeting rules defining agenda listening actions. Push yourself to be open to new ideas and experiences even if they initially seem uncomfortable to you. Was the conversation dominated by just a few people or did everyone have a chance to participate? . University of Queensland: Designing Culturally Inclusive Environments, accessed July 2008., The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Course Development Funds for Remote-accessible (REM) Courses, Graduate Student Proctorship in Academic Administration, Seminar for Transformation Around Anti-Racist Teaching, Sheridan-RISD Museum Collaborative Workshop Series, Guidelines for Assessing Student Learning, A Guide to the Writing Support (WSUP) Flag for Faculty,, What do the participants bring to the group? It emphasizes process (the consideration of ideas) over product (specific tasks to be accomplished within the confines of the meeting itself. INTRODUCE YOURSELF. Facilitators are non-directive, and try to keep themselves out of the discussion, except to ask questions or make statements that advance it. In order to do so, it is important to consider the features of effective discussions, and conditions that promote small group interaction and engagement. Forsyth, D .Group Dynamics. A group of parents meets to wrestle with their feeling that their school district is shortchanging its students. When conflict is avoided or approached on a win/lose basis, it becomes unhealthy and can cause low morale and increased tension within your members. If the question is one of values, the facilitator may use the occasion to help participants become aware of the values involved. Provide the rules in writing. 5. It helps greatly if the leader comes to the task with a democratic or, especially, a collaborative style, and with an understanding of how a group functions. Playground Rules Posters. Usually, a group discussion will be based around a central topic. Convey a sense of self-importance or superiority. Use certain conventions or language that will exclude certain groups from understanding the context of the discussion, or make them feel uncomfortable. This group is not intended as "Diversity 101" training. Maths in Our School Environment for Junior & Senior Infants Booklet. Having the words written out may make it easier for a shy or fearful person to speak up. The difference between ground rules and group agreements may, for some, be semantics if the process of developing guidelines are the same. Step up, step back: If you usually speak up often or you find yourself talking more than others, challenge yourself to lean in to listening and opening up space for others. Establishing this as a ground rule highlights that participants can suggest on their own when to place something on the parking lot in order to keep the meeting on track and on time. Tuckman, B. Ask dominant participants to allow others to speak. Allow only the dominant or more verbal participants to take over the conversation. Request that if participants challenge others ideas, they back it up with evidence, appropriate experiences, and/or appropriate logic. If youre asked a direct question, you might want to answer it if its a question of fact and you know the answer, and if its relevant to the discussion. This website uses cookies, including third party ones, to allow for analysis of how people use our website in order to improve your experience and our services. Discourage alternate views or counter-arguments. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Report Glitches: Discussion forums are electronic. Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks focus on ideas. A combination of initiating and probing questions can be an effective approach to bring out participants ideas further. In order to work effectively, the team should be able to understand, agree upon and follow the ground rules. This can be done via a handout, posted on a wall, or projected on a . Joining Together: Group theory and group skills. Steinert, Y. Ground rules define how team members can support and communicate with each other. This is a discussion, not a debate. Members of an environmental group attend a workshop on the effects of global warming. Increase participation and the sharing of ideas and perspectives; Promote openness to points of view and increase learning; Manage problems before and as they occur; and. Study Circles Resource Center. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Extension. Donate now. Did you feel like a valuable member of the team? But if participants mutually explore the interest behind the positions, it becomes much easier to find a common ground. University of Minnesota Extension discovers science-based solutions, delivers practical education, and engages Minnesotans to build a better future. If you have the luxury of choosing your space, you might look for someplace thats comfortable and informal. Give all participants a voice- at the start highlight the value of a diversity of perspectives as an essential part of the process. Are you a directive or non-directive leader? Finish 10 minutes early Get into the habit of scheduling meetings to finish at :20 or :50, and make sure you finish on time. From University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR; formerly known as National Council for Atmospheric Research, or NCAR) . The ultimate comfort, and one that breaks down barriers among people, is that of eating and drinking. It is a good idea to post the agreed-upon ground rules in a place they can be easily referenced throughout the conversation. Handelsman, J., Miller, S., & Pfund, C. (2006) Scientific Teaching: Diversity, Assessment, Active Learning (New York: W.H. Create an inclusive environment. Talking about styles of communication is an excellent ice-breaker. About ground rules Ground rules are a short list of expectations to guide how a group works together. Respect for Group Members - Be quick to listen and slow to speak. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing (I instead of they, we, and you). Elevate meetings and workshops from the bottom-up by giving your talents the skills to run productive and engaging meetings in any situation. to remain available. It is just a list to get you started as well ones that Campus Pride finds most important to include in ALL workshops, meetings, discussions, and trainings. Equity & Inclusion Group Ground Rules Adapted from UT Astronomy E&I Discussion Group Ground Rules by Caitlin Casey, Brandon Bozek, and Raquel Martinez. 1. Those rules were and still are necessary for. Alternatively, you may wish to reframe their comments, making them viable additions to the discussion. You might present an agenda for approval, and change it as the group requires, or you and the group can create one together. Treat participants with respect and consideration. Openness - Be at ease. For most group discussions, the facilitator role is probably a good ideal to strive for. 6. 1. . for Racial Justice in Higher Education The two "A"s stand for "Adding" and "Alternatives", which makes this rule easy to remember. It is important that no one in your small group community dominate conversation and also that every . Respect the views, values, and ideas of other members of the group. hold people back if they are dominating the conversation. Ask for clarification if unclear about a participants intent or question. If those are brought out in the open and discussed reasonably, the two sides often find that they have as much agreement as disagreement, and can resolve their differences by putting their ideas together. Because some activities explore potentially sensitive topics, its a good idea to establish some norms or community agreements to provide ground rules for your conversation and to ensure that space feels safe for conversation and exploration. Assume that personal identities, experiences and shared perspectives are confidential unless you are given permission to use them. Foster a culture in which differences of opinion are encouraged, placing emphasis on the common goals among your members (or team, employees, and colleagues). Conversation ground rules can be found here. Provide sufficient time and space for participants to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions. These folks may be respected for their leadership president of the Rotary Club, spokesperson for an environmental movement for their positions in the community bank president, clergyman or simply for their personal qualities integrity, fairness, ability to communicate with all sectors of the community. If participants are asked to read something, consider questions, complete a task, or otherwise prepare for the discussion, make sure that the assignment is attended to and used. (2007) Allowing Not-Knowing in a Dialogic Discussion. 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