"[2], In 2001 and 2002 the brothers published five papers in peer-reviewed physics journals, including Annals of Physics and Classical and Quantum Gravity. Bertha Kolowrat-Krakowsk belonged to the noble Kolowrat family of Bohemia and was married to Count Hieronymus Colloredo-Mannsfeld (18701942), a member of the Austrian princely house of Colloredo-Mannsfeld. Reddit. According to physicist Arun Bala, all of these papers "involved purported applications of quantum theory to understand processes at the dawn of the universe", but ultimately turned out to be a "hoax perpetrated on the physics community. Newman. The Bogdanovs have claimed that the "domain name 'th-phys.edu.hk' was owned by Hong Kong University. The main result of this paper is that this thermodynamic equilibrium should be a KMS state. According to Sternheimer, the twins viewed themselves as "the Einstein brothers" and had a propensity to voice vague, "impressionistic" statements; he considered guiding their efforts "like teaching My Fair Lady to speak with an Oxford accent. Starke Verlag, 2011, pp. Jackiw defended the thesis. In April 2012, a group of 170 scientists published an open letter titled L'affaire Bogdanoff: Libert, Science et Justice, Des scientifiques revendiquent leur droit au blme (The Bogdanoff Affair: Liberty, Science and Justice, scientists claim their right of critique). "[31] An official report from the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), which became public in 2010, concluded that the paper "ne peut en aucune faon tre qualifi de contribution scientifique" ("cannot in any way be considered a scientific contribution"). [14][26] However, Igor Bogdanov has maintained that Professor Yang is a real mathematical physicist with expertise in KMS theory, a friend of his, and that he was posting anonymously from Igor's apartment. [12], In a letter to The New York Times, Cornell physics professor Paul Ginsparg wrote that the contrast between the cases was plainly evident: "here, the authors were evidently aiming to be credentialed by the intellectual prestige of the discipline rather than trying to puncture any intellectual pretension." French TV star Igor Bogdanoff has died of Covid-19, six days after his twin brother Grichka died due to . They had no connection to, or involvement with, their father's family, and were raised by their maternal grandmother, Countess Bertha Kolowrat-Krakowsk (18901982),[3] in her castle in southern France. "[3], At the start of the controversy in the moderated group sci.physics.research, Igor Bogdanov denied that their published papers were a hoax,[16] but when asked precise questions from physicists Steve Carlip and John Baez regarding mathematical details in the papers, failed to convince any other participants that these papers had any real scientific value. Jackiw defended the thesis: All these were ideas that could possibly make sense. [2][3] In justifying the conferring of doctoral degrees to the Bogdanovs, Sternheimer told the Times, "These guys worked for 10 years without pay. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff are born to the nobility. ), Technically, their paper connects too many things. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff were French celebrities best known for producing the science fiction television series Temps X and their involvement in a theoretical physics dispute known as the Bogdanoff affair. They were born in France on August 29, 1949. Both were 72. Igor and Grichka Yourievitch Bogdanoff are French twin brothers who are TV presenters, producers, and scientific essayists. [45] Jovanovi himself later became embroiled in controversy and resigned his post, when he was found out to not have obtained a Ph.D. at the London School of Economics as he had claimed. The death of Igor Bogdanoff, 72, was confirmed on Monday evening by his lawyer Edouard de Lamaze, as well as . Drs Igor and Grichka Bogdanov, French mathematical physicists and twins, create stir in physics world with novel and highly speculative theory about what happened before Big Bang; scientists . If researchers find merit in the twins' ideas, those thoughts will echo in the references of scientific papers for years to come. Some corrections were requested. Overbye wrote that Jackiw was intrigued by the thesis, although it contained many points he did not understand. ", "Les frres Bogdanov, la science et les mdias", "Physics hoaxers discover Quantum Bogosity", "Referee report for "Topological theory of the initial singularity of spacetime", "If not a hoax, it's still an embarrassment", "Referee report for "Topological Origin of Inertia", "Referee report for "The KMS state of spacetime at the Planck scale", "Re: Physics bitten by reverse Alan Sokal hoax? One of the scientists who approved Igor Bogdanoff's thesis, Roman Jackiw of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, spoke to The New York Times reporter Dennis Overbye. "[26], Not all review evaluations were positive. They were 72. [8][18] These news stories included commentary by physicists. [36] In September 2006, the case was dismissed after the Bogdanoffs missed court deadlines; they were ordered to pay 2,500 to the magazine's publisher to cover its legal costs. Both brothers were admitted to the hospital on the same day last month after having previously refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine, claiming that their exceptionally . I am writing this just to point out what I think are the central 'ideas' the authors had when writing their articles and how this led them to their conclusions.[30]. I'm a little surprised that anyone is surprised at this. The online discussion was quickly followed by media attention. A number of English Wikipedia users, including Igor Bogdanov himself, were explicitly named in this ban. Having found a copy of one of the relevant papers available online, I posted that "the referee clearly didn't even glance at it." bogdanoff twins tv show crew dies. Cependant, cela ne les prive pas thoriquement de la possibilit de confirmer nouveau leur droit au titre de prince sur les voies de la grce du chef de la maison impriale de, (entry in the French academic library directory), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, "Youra Bogdanoff, pre des clbres frres Igor et Grishka Bogdanoff est dcd cette semaine. In 2010, The Sydney Morning Herald described the twins' cheekbones as "so high and bulbous as to appear to threaten their owners' vision", adding that the twins' appearance at the Cannes Film Festival had "caused a stir around the world". The weekly was eventually ordered to pay 64,000 euros in damages, a quantity less than the Bogdanovs had originally demanded (in excess of 800,000 euros each). Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff became France's most famous twins, hosting a TV science and science-fiction show in the 1980s on a spaceship set. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff were previously the talks of the town due to their post-surgery facial appearance. [39][57], In 2005, the Bogdanovs became professors at Megatrend University in Belgrade where they were appointed Chairs of Cosmology and said to direct the Megatrend Laboratory of Cosmology. [18], In 2001, the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics accepted an article written by Igor Bogdanov, entitled "Topological Origin of Inertia". [12] The physicists commenting on Usenet found these claims and subsequent attempts at their explanation peculiar,[12][27][28] since the trajectory of a Foucault penduluma standard museum pieceis accurately predicted by classical mechanics. 05/19/10 07:41PM. [3] Soon after, Freidel denied writing any such remarks, telling the press that he had forwarded a message containing that text to a friend. "[28], Eventually, the controversy attracted mainstream media attention, opening new avenues for physicists' comments to be disseminated. Worried by what he considered a "more-or-less explicit rejection of the rationalist tradition of the Enlightenment", Sokal decided to perform an experiment which he later cheerfully admitted was both unorthodox and uncontrolled, provoking a maelstrom of reactions which, to his surprise, received coverage in Le Monde and even the front page of The New York Times. [] It would take up too much space to enumerate all the mistakes: indeed it is difficult to say where one error ends and the next begins. "[12] Jacques Distler voiced a similar opinion, proclaiming "The [Bogdanovs'] papers consist of buzzwords from various fields of mathematical physics, string theory and quantum gravity, strung together into syntactically correct, but semantically meaningless prose. [57][58][15] The funeral for both twins was held on 10 January 2022, in the Church of the Madeleine, in Paris, France.[59]. He posted an unpublished version of Grichka Bogdanov's PhD thesis on his personal website, along with his critical analysis. French twins Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff have both passed away from Covid complications. [] Rarely have we seen a hollow work dressed with such sophistication"). The report stated that "the viewpoint presented in this paper can be interesting as a possible approach of the Planck scale physics." Described in The New York Times as . [64][55], During the heyday of this affair, some media coverage cast a negative light on theoretical physics, stating or at least strongly implying that it has become impossible to distinguish a valid paper from a hoax. "[7] Journalist and documentary filmmaker Maud Guillaumin, author of Le mystre Bogdanoff (L'Archipel, 2019), comprehensively examined the twins' account, noting it to comprise "approximations and historical inaccuracies"; she found that Yuri Bogdanoff had gone to Spain as a young man, and, unable to return to the USSR as he would have been considered a spy and imprisoned, went to France and began "a life of wandering from farm to Pyrenean farm" before, in 1948 aged 21, arriving at the castle of his future mother-in-law, "renowned in the Gers for employing Slavs". [40][c], In 2002, the Bogdanovs launched a new weekly TV show Rayons X (X Rays) on French public channel France 2. [34], Motl's measured support for "Topological field theory of the initial singularity of spacetime", however, stands in stark contrast to Robert Oeckl's official MathSciNet review, which states that the paper is "rife with nonsensical or meaningless statements and suffers from a serious lack of coherence," follows up with several examples to illustrate his point, and concludes that the paper "falls short of scientific standards and appears to have no meaningful content. "[11][6] Copies of the email reached American mathematical physicist John Baez, and on 23 October he created a discussion thread about the Bogdanovs' work on the Usenet newsgroup sci.physics.research, titled "Physics bitten by reverse Alan Sokal hoax? He posted an unpublished version of Grichka Bogdanoff's Ph.D. thesis on his personal website, along with his critical analysis. [47][48] In November 2005, this led the Arbitration Committee, a dispute resolution panel that acts as the project's court of last resort, to ban anyone deemed to be a participant in the external dispute from editing the English Wikipedia's article on the Bogdanov Affair. [3][8] Around the same time, Igor Bogdanov failed the defense of his thesis. [56] They were 72 and both were unvaccinated. ; French Physicists' Cosmic Theory Creates a Big Bang of Its Own", "The Emperor's New Science: French TV Stars Rock the World of Theoretical Physics", "Ideas & Trends: In Theory, It's True (Or Not)", "La rputation scientifique conteste des frres Bogdanov", "INSPIRE-HEP citation information for Bogdanov papers", "Theses spark twin dilemma for physicists", "Physics bitten by reverse Alan Sokal hoax? [9][10] The controversy over the Bogdanovs' work began on October 22, 2002, with an email sent by University of Tours physicist Max Niedermaier to University of Pittsburgh physicist Ezra T. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. THE Bogdanoff twins were known for their extreme cosmetic enhancements - but there was more to their lives than plastic surgery. [4]) Baez, who made a comparison between the two affairs, later retracted, saying that the brothers "have lost too much face for [withdrawing the work as a hoax] to be a plausible course of action". The BBC said the un Antoniadis told Le Monde, I had given a favorable opinion for Grichka's defense, based on a rapid and indulgent reading of the thesis text. But before his tragic death, . There's no denying that cosmetic procedures can completely transform someone's appearance, and that seems to be the case with the Bogdanoff twins. [58][59] Mia Jovanovi, the rector and owner of Megatrend University, wrote a preface for the Serbian edition of Avant le Big Bang. However, Baez pointed out, this statement does not in fact concern the Big Bang, and is entirely equivalent to the following: No matter which way a pendulum swings, there is some point on the plane in which it swings. . ditions Contrepoint, 1978, Almanach de Gotha 1918, Almanach de Gotha 1940, Almanach de Gotha, 2013. For example, John C. Baez stated that the Bogdanov papers are "a mishmash of superficially plausible sentences containing the right buzzwords in approximately the right order. "The Bogdanoffs' work is significantly more incoherent than just about anything else being published", wrote Peter Woit. However, after the publication of the article and the publicity surrounding the controversy, mathematician Greg Kuperberg posted to Usenet a statement written by the journal's senior publisher, Andrew Wray, and its co-editor, Hermann Nicolai. The New York Times reporter George Johnson described reading through the debate as "like watching someone trying to nail Jell-O to a wall", for the Bogdanovs had "developed their own private language, one that impinges on the vocabulary of science only at the edges."[4]. Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff became France's most famous twins, hosting a TV science and science-fiction show in the 1980s on a spaceship set. THE BOGDANOFF TWINS (DUMP IT) Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff's personalities and appearance have served as source material for all kinds of memes long before they were adopted by the crypto community. Dictionnaire de la noblesse russe. [19], The story spread in public media, prompting Niedermaier to offer an apology to the Bogdanoffs, admitting that he had not read the papers himself. Antoniadis told Le Monde: I had given a favorable opinion for Grichka's defense, based on a rapid and indulgent reading of the thesis text. Look at any before and after photos to see that she has undergone an extensive amount of . [3], Although the Bogdanoff twins claimed to be descended paternally from a noble Muslim Tatar family traceable to the beginning of the 17th century (originally from Penza, one of whose mirzas converted to Orthodox Christianity, and was rewarded with the title of prince by a decree from Tsar Feodor III; the mirza did not exercise this right, and the title of "Prince Bogdanoff" was lost by the end of the 19th century),[5][6][citation needed] there is scant evidence for that. The Bogdanovs' background in entertainment lent some plausibility to the idea that they were attempting a deliberate hoax, but Igor Bogdanov quickly denied the accusation. 05 January 2022. [34][35], On December 30, 2004, the Bogdanoffs sued Ciel et Espace for defamation over the publication of a critical article titled "The Mystification of the Bogdanoffs". 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