the personality database loki

Loki was unsure of himself; he claimed it was too late to stop the madness, but briefly considered Thor's appeal to working together to end it all and redeem himself. Loki's frustrated rant only goaded Hulk into simply picking him up and repeatedly slamming him into the ground, catching him entirely off-balance. Loki and Thor are reunited back with Odin. As the Avengers took Loki into custody, he secretly began plotting how to use this situation to his advantage in the end.[5]. But the love he once showed and his more human emotions appeared to be significantly dulled by the time he arrived on Earth, along with the decades of built-up resentment which overshadowed any sliver of humanity Loki might retain. Thor repeated his vow to kill Thanos, but Thanos was too resilient and mocked back that Thor should've aimed for his head. Below is a database of personality types of characters from famous works. Also, I suspect Tom Hiddleston is an NF type, which would color his depiction of Loki. Odin, however, demanded they stop speaking and had ordered Loki to step forward, as Loki still continued making light of the situation, banging his chains together and claiming that he did not see what all the fuss was about. Enraged, Thor demanded Odin march into Jotunheim and attack the Frost Giants in retaliation, but Odin refused. Since learning that he was the son of Laufey, Loki stated that Thor was not his brother at all, ignoring the years that they grew up together entirely and threw this in his face twice. While taking cover, Loki noted that Odin had brought them together when he had taken Loki from Jotunheim, claiming that it was almost poetic that his death them break them apart for good. especially Chapter 14 and the koi and cat scene at the beginning. While the Dark Elves watched, Loki mocked and insulted his brother before making an illusion of him cutting off Thor's right hand. Sworn brother of Odin and often the one to dig the other gods out of inconveniently deep holes, Loki's name nonetheless has many negative connotations due to his deceitful nature and especially the hand he had in the death of . When he got confronted by Thor in his imprisonment, he asked genuinely if she suffered as she died and was ready to work with his much-hated brother to kill Malekith. Loki created an illusion for a second hawk to distract it. However, Thor refused to talk to his adopted brother, merely throwing stones through his projection. While Volstagg and Fandral mocked Loki as they prepared to depart, he stood alongside the warriors while Heimdall warned that if their return threatened Asgard's own safety, then he would be left with no choice but to leave them all to perish on Jotunheim. Which personality is Loki based on new Disney+ series? The moment Loki's true identity was revealed, Skurge finally arrived, having run from Himinbjorg, to announce Thor's arrival, much to Loki's great annoyance as he reminded Skurge that warning him of Thor's arrival was his only job. [6], Loki and his allies arrive upon Jotunheim. Co-workers are likely to be similarly at a loss. Thor stopped this and thought of a solution. : Season One DeclassifiedThe Wakanda Files: A Technological Exploration of the Avengers and Beyond Thor delighted in the successful strategy while Loki continued moaning about how humiliating it was. He pretends to have fun (and does it way way worse than a real INFJ would be able to because the viewer needs to see his struggle to sympathize with him). When hanging over the Bifrost, though, he referred to him as "brother", despite having previously disowned him only a few minutes earlier, though this was soon revealed to be an illusion, and another trick to use against Thor. e.g. Following the failure of the Chitauri, Loki was now in the custody of Thor who proceeded to bring him back to Asgard where Loki was forced in chains to face Odin's justice for his many crimes. Loki has been described by some as a narcissist and by others as a psychopath. Thats how INFJs think when they reach a point where they dont care anymore (though even then theres still a deep, central part of themselves that desperately wants human connection and affirmation). [4], Loki and Thor awaiting the royal coronation, Loki was present when Thor was supposed to finally ascend to the throne of Asgard. INFJ is the rarest personality type among Myers and Briggs' 16 personalities, making up only 2 percent of the population. This makes all of Batman's main villains and his secondary characters, such as Jim Gordon or Barbara Kean, a main part of the series, along with a pre-vigilante Bruce too. As they became more outnumbered and Fandral was injured when a Frost Giant impaled him, Loki killed the Frost Giant before he ordered the Warriors Three to retreat. Loki has a brief duel against the Valkyrie. Thor, The Mighty AvengerThe Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big WeekThe Avengers: The Avengers Initiative (mentioned)Thor AdaptationThor: The Dark World PreludeThor: Crown of Fools (hallucination)The Avengers AdaptationAvengers: Age of Ultron Prelude - This Scepter'd IsleThor: Ragnarok PreludeAvengers: Infinity War PreludeAvengers: Endgame Prelude With rare exceptions, Lokis nature tends to be all Turbulence, all the time. He is good at observing. agents who ordered him to put down his weapon. FYI, that wasnt even a plan Plans have multiple steps. [13] Then Frog Thor appeared and Loki was pummeled by him. Status He allowed himself to enter a trance where he could appear to The Other and his Chitauri army across deepest space in a metaphysical form. Taking his brother to a nearby mountain where they were observed by Hugin and Munin, Thor attempted to reason with Loki, imploring him to remember that they were once brothers as they had been raised together and spent years playing and fighting together. Loki is freed from falling through the portal. Before long one of Loki's controlled agents freed him from the cell. Portrayed by Loki bragged that this was man's purpose to be ruled and that in the end, they would always kneel before him, but a single man stood up and challenged him and his intentions. When he then uses this knowledge and his own quick thinking, it is to game the system for his own advantage in a more Observant way. Loki is taken into custody by the Avengers, As the Avengers were escorting Loki out of the Stark Tower, they were stopped by Alexander Pierce and a group of HYDRA operatives that were disguised as S.H.I.E.L.D. Mike is fully focused on achieving the highest number of scares, whereas Sully doesn't like the idea of frightening kids at all. (LogOut/ He knows more than everyone because he is always gathering information. This, however, had proved his worthiness and Thor got his former powers back, easily defeating the Destroyer with Mjlnir as Loki looked on in complete horror.[6]. However, she tricked the trickster into revealing that there was already a monster among them and that it was not him. As he attempted to relax, however, Loki suddenly overheard the sounds of horrific screams from another part of the Dungeons as the members of the Einherjar were alerted and had gone to investigate. However, Loki's plan to use Hulk was only one aspect of his real intentions. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This quickly led to several threats being made between Thor and Laufey as Odin's name had been insulted. Growing up, Loki believed he was an actual prince of Asgard and so genuinely thought he could be king. Loki is intensely intelligent, but his cleverness doesnt lie in theoretical or abstract directions. In 965 A.D., not long after the war between the Giants and the Asgardians, Loki was found by King Odin. In an attempt to play the long game to ensure he remained in power, Loki then traveled to Jotunheim where he then visited Laufey. Loki Laufeyson was the biological son of Laufey, King of the Frost Giants, who was abandoned and left to die shortly after his birth. Join us in exploring the 16 personality types. Loki watches Thor regaining all his powers, When he saw no other end to the battle, the still powerless Thor had stepped up to the Destroyer completely unarmed and pleaded with his brother to allow all the Humans to go free and take his own life in exchange. Eventually, he threatened to kill Jane Foster, causing the furious Thor to attack him to protect the lives Loki threatened. Take our 16 types test or our Enneagram test to see how you compare to people around the world. with the task of unlocking the Tesseract's secrets. The new series will explore fatal attraction and the timeless themes of marriage and . [2], Loki visiting Thor inside of his prison cell. The prequel series Gotham narrates about the city's history and development before Batman's arise; it starts, indeed, with the murder of Martha and Thomas Wayne, an event that upsets and influences the whole city. As they made it outside, the energy the cube had unleashed consumed the area and the entire compound with it. According to Japanese folklore, what is the favorite food of the Kappa. Taking whatever advantage he had in the fight, Loki had resorted to using his helmet to knock the Berserkers off their feet and killing them, until eventually, they had pushed the Berserkers back, allowing the Asgardians to escape. He joins us from the premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania to discuss what drew him to Kang as a character. As the battle continued, Loki and the other warriors had then looked up to the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf where a huge blast of lightning had just destroyed much of the front of the Palace and had injured Hela who was in the center of the blast. Taking a break from the fight, Thor claimed that Loki was late, while Loki noted that Thor was now missing an eye. You never use your inferior, or even your tertiary function, as effectively as your primary and secondary functions. Loki, however, claimed that Heimdall's powers were becoming weaker from his many years of service to Asgard, which added to Heimdall's suspicions. Loki then threw Jane Foster before the Dark Elves, claiming his allegiance with them and his desire to watch Asgard burn. PSYCHOLOGY 325. After the destruction of Asgard, Loki and Thor seem to have fully reconciled. Thor continued firing while Loki unlocked the doorways, while still claiming that they might as well become strangers, before being threatened by another Sakaaran Guard who Thor dispatched by forcing him to fire into the ground which shot him into the air as they entered the elevator. Before he could leave, however, a guard then arrived and presented Loki with Odin's powerful staff Gungnir, and pronounced Loki as the new King of Asgard while Odin was unable to rule. [2], Loki prepares to fight again alongside Thor. Cooper and his whereabouts to become one of Earth's many unsolved mysteries. And if you have watched any shows with an ENTP as some sort of Devil, Mischief Maker, Devils advocate etc then you know they have fucking fun with it. He's ambitious, responsible, and hard-working. Loki witnesses Odin fall into the Odinsleep, Expostulating upon how it all made sense now that Odin had always favoured Thor, Loki furiously berated Odin in denial, accusing him of using him as a tool for peace until Odin, overcome with stress, fell into the Odinsleep. Thor argued that as the king of Asgard he should be able to decide these matters, but Odin told him he was not yet king. Loki continued to use Gungnir to his advantage, both as a spear and using its energy to shoot at Thor while laughing maniacally every time he managed to outwit and hit his furious brother. Naomi Quenks book Was That Really Me? Although he had appeared calm, this knowledge that the one person who had ever believed and cared for him was gone had sent Loki into a fit of rage and he unleashed a seismic blast of his mystical aura, trashing his cell. Thor, Sif, and Loki made there was to the branch, but the hawk came back. He stabbed Kurse from behind, pushing the blade through his chest. They need to gatekeep and be faggoty about it because they're boring fuckheads who have literally nothing else. Loki apologized and confessed, saying he only thought of the challenge to get the Cup and gain as much respect as Thor. Intuitive (N) and Feeling (F) personality types, known for their empathy, diplomatic skills, and passionate idealism. As Loki claimed that the Dark Elves' attack was Thor's doing for locking him in the Asgardian Dungeons, he managed to annoy his brother so much that Thor pushed him back and considered punching him in the face; however, Thor stopped himself as he believed Frigga would not want them to fight. Is that to say that most ESTP-Ts are going to be like Loki? Read all 2 posts on Loki and meet 3 like-minded members here. Thanos then triumphantly ordered the Black Order to go to Earth to obtain the remaining Infinity Stones there. Laufey stood over Odin's sleeping body and mocked the King of Asgard as he made an ice blade form in his hand. Loki's "death" is depicted in a theatrical play, Loki also banished Heimdall from his long-standing position as the guard of the Bifrost Bridge and appointed Skurge as his replacement. Loki discovers that Thor is actually still alive. And hes on his own. Knowing that they would soon encounter more of the Grandmaster's guards, Thor suggested that they utilize their "Get Help" strategy, much to Loki's horror. The letters INFJ stand for Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling and Judging. Loki falling through Doctor Strange's portal. Loki then watched as Hela destroyed Mjlnir, proving Hela to be incredibly powerful. And what's more, Loki felt that he was viewed as nothing more than a trophy and tool instead of an actual son by Odin despite all evidence to the contrary. a. Soba b. And all so you can continue your life as their master and ruler? While I couldnt say yes to this exactly how it is phrased, I can say that as an INFJ, I will fight for the right to be my authentic self, especially if I feel like Ive been stifled. The few times that Loki gets locked away by himself, he quickly turns to moodiness, brooding, and introspection. Loki engaged in a brief but brutal battle with the super-soldier, during which Loki gained the upper hand and stood above the Captain, demanding he kneel; Cap refused and continued fighting Loki. A sad Thor would tell Rocket, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, that while Loki had died before, he felt that this time was permanent. Ignoring all the chaos, Loki had calmly continued to read one of his books even when Thor and the Warriors Three joined the battle, violently throwing prisoners into his cell wall. This caused Thor to send lightning towards them, toppling the mine on top of them. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Voices Rising: The Music of Wakanda Forever, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Thor told Loki that he planned to confront Malekith on Svartalfheim and he needed Loki's knowledge of the pathways between worlds. The breakout villain from the Marvel Cinematic Universe has to be Loki, whose popularity has soared so high that he's the star of his own TV series now. Robert Downey Jr. was on hand to give a dedication speech. This produces a value from +1 to -1. Loki disappears through that wormhole of space and time, when the Bifrost is destroyed, and he kind of goes through the Seventh Circle of Hell. Frost Giant farberware deep fryer magnetic power cord; dauntless best beginner repeater build; hothouse flower book series in order; Fury barely survived the crash and continued to fire at the jeep as Barton drove them to safety; despite being under fire, Loki appeared relaxed and pleased with his success.[5]. Loki is a demon in the series. The table shows the average rating the character received for each descriptive item on a 1 to 100 scale and what that character's rank for the description is among all 2,000 characters in the database. Loki then attempted to make an arrangement with Hela, to which she had commented that Loki sounded more like Odin than Thor did. Loki is chased through the Bifrost Bridge, Seeing that they were vastly outmatched by their newest enemy, Loki quickly tried to go back into Asgard with Thor through their Bifrost Bridge. It's exciting to see Loki in action once more, and . Loki is challenged by a team of Dark Elves, While Thor fought the almighty Kurse as Malekith made his escape on his Ark, Loki was attacked by another group of Dark Elves. He wanted to be King of Asgard and manipulated his way onto the throne. Shortly after Odin died and Thor learned the truth about Hela and how Asgard really rose to power, Loki genuinely felt sympathetic towards Thor as he had just found out that everything he knew was false, much like how Loki himself did after finding out he was a Frost Giant. . Loki allowing himself to fall into a wormhole, With the Rainbow Bridge destroyed, the pair began to fall into the abyss, only for both of them to be saved at the last minute by Odin, who had awoken from his Odinsleep. Feel the love with Deadpool, Spider-Man, the X-Men, Loki, and more! Deepen your relationships, both romantic and otherwise. However, it had turned out that the champion was Hulk, to Loki's shock and horror as he recalled how Hulk had beaten him senseless during the Battle of New York. Actors/Actresses I know what you mean about getting him without exactly fangirling over him, and he is an intriguing character to ponder. Introducing himself and explaining he was Asgardian, Loki explained to Fury that he wanted the Tesseract as part of his glorious purpose which was to free the Earth and humanity from freedom, which he defined as life's great lie, vowing that he would become their one supreme king, although Fury questioned his goals for peace and argued that he wanted war. Encanto (2021) MBTI - Movies . Loki continued his lie by claiming that Thor's banishment combined with the latest war against Laufey and the Frost Giants had simply been too much for Odin to bear, resulting in his untimely death. before it then caused a huge battle between the Lady Sif and Warriors Three as the Destroyer who laid waste to the small town which Thor had been staying in. One soldier got up and ran away to which Loki picked up a dagger and tried to throw at him. If Loki is an INFJ, then the only times he really has a chance to use his dominant functions are when hes using his Intuitive grasp of abstract concepts to dream-up complex plots and solutions to problems and wield magic, and when hes using Extroverted Feeling to manipulate people. Extroverted Sensing (or Sensation) is an INFJs inferior function. Loki was eventually found lying on the ground and was rescued by all the rebels, as Korg turned off the Obedience Disk and invited Loki to join them with stealing the Statesman, which Loki agreed to, noting that Korg and his people looked like they needed his leadership. The Glory, Importance, and Victory of OtherPeople, New Scripture Writing Topic: InspiringMusic, Water, Spirit, Fire: The Three Baptisms of Christianity. This caused the Norse people to believe the Asgardians to be deities, and bestowed upon Thor the moniker "God of Thunder" while Loki became the "God of Mischief" due to the various tricks and illusions Loki displayed, as they would then be depicted in the humans' stories and books for the centuries to come. This means INFJs lead with a function called Introverted Intuition (called "Perspectives" in the Personality Hacker system ). They eventually charged at one another and threw each other through the wall and out onto the rainbow bridge, and Loki was thrown over the edge and was barely able to hold onto the side. David Wells. Emotions get in the way of his big plans and goals. Whether it is an endless need for attention, a humorous quip, or the unfolding of another of his great plans, life is always a performance for Loki. Thor was able to break him free from the trance and also got the Bone of the Wolves' Treasureyard, completing the first challenge. He asked Stark what he had to fear: Stark told him that he should fear the Avengers as together the team would be a strong force against him. As Loki watched from above, he happily awaited the arrival of the Champion who Thor would be fighting against. Loki is teleported away by Doctor Strange, Upon hearing Strange note that he thought Thor could now handle his brother from his point on as they said their goodbyes, Loki, out of annoyance and anger, attempted to attack Doctor Strange, furiously calling the Master of Mystic Arts a second-rate magician as he then drew a pair of knives to get his revenge. (Earth-21119) Thunderbolts were a traveling carnival. Odin explained that Hela was, in fact, Thor's first-born sister who had been imprisoned within Hel for thousands of years due to her violent needs. Created by writer Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber and penciller Jack Kirby, a version of the character first appeared in Venus #6 (August 1949). Enraged Thor slammed his hammer on the ground, causing a shock wave which caused Loki to be knocked backwards.[6]. Loki is cornered by Laufey's entire armies. Doctor Erik Selvig was taken to a S.H.I.E.L.D. Kick-start your career or get better at navigating it. Loki rides a Chitauri Chariot into battle, Not allowing himself to be defeated and captured so early into the Chitauri Invasion, Loki threw himself off the building and landed on one of the Chitauri Chariots. 6) How to type yourself and others. Loki sees his plans successfully unfolding. This did little more than enrage Thor, who disarmed Loki of his staff before hitting him repeatedly in the face, soon beating Loki into submission before picking him up over his head and slamming him down hard onto the ruined balcony. When Thor tried to argue that they could find a way for him to return home, Loki claimed that Frigga forbid his return. Now, imagine youre a young INFJ boy growing up with an ESTP brother (this is Thors type click here to read about him). Hela then ordered the two brothers to kneel before her as she drew her Necroswords, while Loki attempted to talk things peacefully. When Thor defeated Malekith, he returned to Asgard to give his report to Odin. They got the Nugget of Gold and Loki got the Cup. Explore our personality database (pdb) with over 300,000 profiles. Speak loud. In . As it appeared Loki was dead, Thor and Jane Foster left him behind on Svartalfheim as they continued their mission to stop Malekith. Press J to jump to the feed. Loki is in some sources the son of Frbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Bleistr. Thor then explained that he had been having some recurring dreams recently depicting Ragnark, so he had begun investigating this and found the Nine Realms in utter chaos and Marauders who had been marching unchallenged as the King did nothing. The guy is clearly an INTP. The last thing he heard before falling into the destroyed Bifrost was Odin voicing disappointment in him, then he is captured and presumably tortured by Thanos. With Odin having been temporarily rendered comatose due to falling into the Odinsleep, Loki sat by his bedside with Frigga, he asked her more questions about his heritage following his discovery of being part Frost Giant and the son of Laufey, wanting to know why the truth had been kept from him for so many years as Frigga insisting they had not wanted him to feel any different. Loki Laufeyson is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Created by writer Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, and penciller Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Venus #6 (August 1949), although the characterization that has persisted to the modern day debuted in Journey into Mystery #85 (October 1962). Thus, Loki was led to an open area in Central Park with his brother. The lowest rating for any description in the table is 50.0 despite a 1 to 100 scale being used. Exposed, Loki tried to defend his deception, insisting that Asgard had prospering while Thor had the independence he always wanted, claiming that by revealing his identity Thor had ruined everything he had just achieved. As they explored the planet, they eventually located Laufey, the King of the Frost Giants who immediately ordered them to leave. joint commission holiday schedule 2022 That, on top of the huge amounts of stress hes under in the films, means INFJ Loki spends most of this time in the grip of his inferior Extroverted Sensing function. Everything Loki does as an adult is informed by his childhood, which we have very little information about. (Earth-14412) Talonar killed Gloria Rider. I am trying to finish it this year though. Mortified, Loki questioned why Odin had done this following the slaughter of so many Frost Giants, with Odin claiming that Loki was just an innocent child he had saved. Loki watches Thor's new incredible powers. Can we personality type a character who is this layered and complex? He was . His motivations, ideas, plans, and strategies tend to reflect the reality around him. Threatened with Thor's death, Loki revealed the Tesseract to Thanos, before unleashing Hulk on him, quoting Iron Man from their confrontation in Stark Tower years before. Fulfill your glorious purpose and gr. Before the ceremony, Loki said that while he was sometimes envious of Thor's place as first-born, there was no doubt that he loved him dearly, while also teasing his brother over his helmet's feathered design. Comic Director and tells him to leave the cube. Although Kurse looked at Loki, he did not see Loki as a warrior and did not set him free; however, Loki, grasping another opportunity to harass Odin, advised the Dark Elf where to find the exit. Before Loki could drop the cell from the Helicarrier in order to kill his brother, Phil Coulson confronted him with the Destroyer Armor Prototype Gun and politely ordered him to move away from the controls and surrender, noting that he was not sure exactly how powerful the gun really was. However, Loki was prepared for such an attempt against his life and, when Heimdall had attempted to kill his king, Loki used his Magic to then summon the Casket of Ancient Winters, successfully freezing Heimdall alive before he could be struck down, before Loki then left Asgard's gatekeeper to die while trapped in the ice. Appearances My first Fictional MBTI post was about Loki, and though it wasnt the most complete or polished post it quickly became the most active in terms of comments. In July 2016, he debuted as a member of NCT 127 with their first EP NCT #127. It is one of the things that makes him most relatable and appealing as a character. 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Intensely intelligent, but the hawk came back son of Frbauti and Laufey, the of! Loki that he planned to confront Malekith on Svartalfheim and he is always gathering information much respect Thor. Compare to people around the world similarly at a loss themes of marriage and sounded more like Odin than did..., to which she had commented that Loki gets locked away by himself, he threatened to kill,! To get the Cup saying he only thought of the Kappa war between the and... Is 50.0 despite a 1 to 100 scale being the personality database loki with their first EP NCT #....