They can sometimes be extremely paranoid because heyokas tend to read too much into things, and that can cause them a great deal of pain at times. Just as comedians might make jokes about politics, climate change, or abuse, you also highlight peoples issues through humor. There are many people in the world with an empathic ability. You find yourself accidentally interrupting people frequently. You feel a certain degree of joy from being alone but also get lonely at the same time. Not even ones own pain weighs so heavy as the pain one feels with someone, for someone, a pain intensified by the imagination and prolonged by a hundred echoes. Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Beingif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',106,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-106{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Unfortunately, were not taught how to love ourselves from an early age. Babies are normally born head first, but many Heyoka empaths were born feet or bottom first again, going against the norm. No, empaths can actually put themselves in that persons shoes. After realizing this fact, I felt confused and decided to receive guidance from a professional psychic. Now, you may be wondering, what does dyslexia, the position you were born in, and being left-handed have to do with being a Heyoka empath? They literally take on the feelings of that person. They act as emotional mirrors for people around them.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'psychreel_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_24',171,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); The purpose of a Heyoka empath is to mirror the emotions of others and serve as a mentor for them. (with examples), Epigenetics and intelligence: How environmental factors impact our genes, 14 lessons from the psychology of money that will change how you think about money, 10 signs youre an out-of-the-box thinker (who sees the world differently), 7 traits of people who are truly authentic, 10 traits of disciplined people (that prime them for success), 11 signs you have a magnetic personality that draws people towards you, 10 signs youre not indecisive, youre just thoughtful, 10 easy steps to detach yourself from your emotions, 10 reasons why self-awareness is important in mental health. Due to this, they need to lie down and be alone with their thoughts to overcome this and regain their energy.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'psychreel_com-leader-4','ezslot_23',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-leader-4-0'); In this article, we discussed Heyoka Empath. They can answer questions about why you have an incredible ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others. Another meaning of Heyoka is pain eater. I am Azra Jovicic and I love writing about psychology and wellness. And finally, embrace being a Heyoka empath! A heyoka empath is famous for its inability to fall asleep. Theyre very sensitive towards the emotional energy around them, which can make it hard to feel comfortable and in control. Heyoka Empath "Superpowers". You use it to help people understand and question their lives. Its a must-watch and we couldnt recommend it more highly. Heyoka Empaths have high creativity, are open-minded, and accepting of innovation. They are very good at encouraging other people and pushing them forward, but when it comes to making decisions about their lives, they may find it really hard. You may also have exceptional intuition about situations or people since heyokas can sense when something is off or different than it should be. Heyokas are very intuitive about their own feelings, which can make it easy for them to understand how other people feel as well. They feel extremely energized and good when they are surrounded by many people. . Some of these people may be Heyoka empaths without even realizing it. There is an exchange of energies that may help you feel better but also bring you down in seconds. People find them to be intrusive and rude since they frequently interrupt others. Another sign and quality of a Heyoka empath is that you take life as it comes. Even though you might not realize it, if youre always quick to finish peoples sentences, and even know what theyre thinking when they dont say anything, its down to your powerful empath qualities. You can almost always tell when people are lying or being dishonest about something, but heyokas can often be the only ones who seem to notice this. This allows them to identify the problem and helps them absorb the emotions of others. Also, that's an oversimplification of both. But it doesn't stop there because they are not just energy receivers; they are also givers. They will often expect things to be done perfectly or in their own manner, which may cause them to have a hard time dealing with other peoples personalities. But it also stems from having a strong sense of intuition, and a deep understanding of how people work. Heyokas usually experience a great deal of emotional turbulence because of their ability to absorb all types of emotions from the environment. A lack of sleep plus empathy fatigue means you need regular breaks to re-energize yourself and rest. Heyokas are introverts and so its hard for them to move around in crowds of people. It also helps people to find out what they need to do in order to grow as a person. Many empaths are out-of-control in regards to their feelings. The same is the case when they help people discover their weaknesses and flaws. This also means you have a brilliant judgment of character you can work people out quicker than most. Some people believe in telling white lies to protect the people they care about. Heyokas simply do not like to be told that something is wrong with their work, especially since they are already so easily upset by criticism. Heyokas are natural puzzle solvers and have a great analytical mind when it comes to solving problems or even identifying the root cause of something. It may sound conceited or narcissistic to focus on loving yourself first. And you have a way of getting your message across. A Heyoka empath is somebody that see's the world differently and goes against convention. Heyokas are the strongest type of empaths that open people's minds to new perspectives by acting as a mirror and poking satirical fun at the situation. They can see through their character and figure out whether they can trust them or not. But they dont just see a person who is happy, sad, or angry. This means that they can detect the emotions of others and mirror them back to the person. Oh! Heyokas will often do this by bringing out the best qualities in other people so that they can achieve what they want in life. It describes people who detect and mirror the emotions of others around them. You see, as well as knowing the right things to say, youre also brutally honest (as we covered earlier). It can be changed a little bit, and it can help to be open to learning from mistakes and trying different things, which heyokas can be reluctant to do. Just getting out of the years of feeling like a curse/depression. You may still be a Heyoka empath even without any of these traits. However, most online empath tests are not able to return 100% accurate results. Sometimes people wont take kindly to it, but sometimes you can highlight the truth in a way that they have no choice but to hear and understand you. And because of the complicated nature of clinical depression, every day becomes a struggle. This is all fuel for helping others face their issues in life. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"HEeOpopxI6wWLGbOJpORo9Zj7Pp68.wuEISi6q6RhlU-1800-0"}; I mean, it makes sense right? These empaths use their abilities to transmute the energies of those who are depressed, anxious, or ill, and allows healing to take place. So if you find yourself attracted to singing, painting, creating music, or anything of the sort (alongside having a healing nature) its a sign you could be a Heyoka empath! 9 Signs You May Be A Heyoka Empath #1 You Can Feel Other People's Emotions If you can feel other individuals' emotions and instinctively know what they need to heal, you may be a Heyoka empath. In the Lakota tribe, Heyoka makes use of wind in the form of sticks to beat clouds and give the sound of thunder. It is the only way to preserve at least a little bit of time for yourself and do all the things that must be done! These ideas are usually out of the blue and quite creative in nature. You dont want to be the sheep following the shepherd blindly. The more information you have, the better prepared you will be to make sound decisions. The term means sacred clown and was used to describe those who challenge norms through humor. So, if you want to receive spiritual guidance about this personality type, maybe you should also contact them. You know that a balance in life is important, and with the good comes bad. They can actually feel the strength that comes from negative energy, so they will gravitate toward it. And through his ancient shamanic teachings, coupled with his very modern-day journey, hes found the solutions. Generally, they can be described as compassionate and helpful to others around them. Well, the term Heyoka comes from the Sioux tribes of Native America. If anyone else is a Heyoka Empath I would love to hear your experience, to help find out where I am along my journey! Overcoming clinical depression takes more than just the will to do it. Thats why they may find you triggering to be around you bring up the parts of them that theyd probably rather escape or hide from. Its currently playing on The Vessel (one of our partners) but only for a limited time. However, it is not the intention of a Heyoka Empath to make others feel this way. Thousands have attended and told us that the masterclass has completely transformed their relationships for the better. Heyoka will use humor to defuse potentially explosive situations; in this case, laughter is the best medicine. When people talk to a Heyoka Empath, they experience new insights. They have helped me out in the past and Ive always found them honest and compassionate in their readings. I have never met one who fit the description. Empathic and intuitive people are often able to sense emotions and energies as if they were their own. And this is no easy ability to live with! were. If you have noticed that you recognize numerous characteristics in your behavior and simply cannot believe sometimes that you are the way you are, you may be a heyoka. Learning to help others and myself! Heyoka empaths not only pick up on emotions, but they also feel the energy of others, too. They know who are sincere to them and who are trying to manipulate or deceive them in any way. , but they can help you better understand your ability. Especially when it comes to advising them on how to better their life if anyones going to stick it to them, its you! I have had quite a few requests to put a video up of my work so people can make intuitive informed decisions on whether to work with me and clear for good the A few of these are stated as follows. This is a difficult problem to manage when you cannot tell anyone exactly what you are going through. Use of this website is conditional upon your acceptance of our User Agreement. If you are suspecting you may be one, here are 15 amazing traits that you may be a heyoka empath! Emotional intelligence involves the importance of protecting ourselves while being able to be respectful towards emotion, especially of another person. Inspirational Speaker. Sensing other peoples emotions is both a gift and a curse; you understand how people feel and how they think, but because of this, you often struggle to connect with others. If you are heyoka empath, you should see it as a gift, but also try to protect your emotions and your soul from the negative impacts of other peoples energies, so you can live a fulfilled life! But the truth is, there are different types. You may like drawing or painting in your spare time, which transfers into the workplace once you enjoy designing things or creating art. Its honestly mind-blowing. Psychometric empaths have the ability to sense a deep connection to a place or inanimate object to receive information and impressions about it. They tend not to notice this themselves very often because they are too worried about their own moods, but if they did, it would probably bother them greatly. Through your honesty, your sense of humor, or by mirroring what they want to avoid. Muscle weakness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, mental fog, hair loss, weakened immune system, infertility in men and women, Keshan disease (type of heart disease) Kashin Beck disease, type . Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Heyoka empaths are aware of the power of humor. If only I knew what the heck was going on for 30 years. Often, they confuse these feelings with their own. This term is apt because it describes the way Heyoka use light humorous energies to open people's minds and to heal. Unlike most people, even in their sleep their mind is constantly thinking and trying to come up with solutions to different problems. You know your purpose in life is bigger than making people feel comfortable with no real progress in their lives! Heyokas are amazing at sensing sadness in others, and this comes naturally. Many empaths identify as Heyoka, which is a Native American word that means "sacred clown" or "fool." Heyokas use humor to open people up, so that people energetically transition to a place They may also feel like knowing everything they should, isnt enough when it comes to making decisions. In Tibetan Buddhism, a Heyoka would be referred to as someone who has the attributes of "Crazy Wisdom." For that reason, you yourself avoid trying to fit in. You're a Walking Emotional Rollercoaster. Or, when faced with a difficult problem, you somehow conjure up the right advice to help someone? Thats why you handle the rollercoasters of your own life with a fairly relaxed attitude. They explained that my friend was in fact a hayoka empath and thats why he felt that way. Heyoka translates to "sacred clown." This term stems from those who find laughter and light-heartedness in troubled times. She's currently living in Spain, where she spends her time writing, watching the shepherds and eating tapas in the mountains of Andaluca. Even if they appear happy on the outside, they may be harboring sadness on the inside. They guide them to the path of improvement and growth. Moreover, the content may be subjective, and not necessarily backed by research.Whilst, these personality articles have been written by subject expert psychologists the sole purpose of the article is to inform, educate and entertain, and cannot be substituted for professional opinion or advice. Heyoka Empath Supernatural insight, empowerment and energy swap with current issues in life, love or dating relationship dynamics. This can make it pretty difficult to have a normal life. If you are one, its likely that the words just roll off your tongue. It may also lead to people misunderstanding you. I mentioned a little about how Heyoka empaths are gifted at healing people. This kind of empath sees life differently. Healing people isnt a conscious thought that you have, its an instinct that takes over when you feel someone is in need. This leads them to feel bad about the things that they have done, and it can lead them down a dark path. Signs You (or Your Twin Flame) Are a Heyoka Empath. But not you. << The Art of Love & Intimacy with Rud Iand >>. They are completely awake and at a high state of self-awareness. 'Heyoka' is a Native American word meaning 'sacred clown' or 'fool'. It is just that they are always emotionally and physically exhausted due to excessive absorption of the emotions of others. Another thing that many empaths deal with is self-blame and guilt. Hes been through the same ups and downs in love that most of us have experienced. An empath is someone who has the ability to feel and experience the emotional state of other people. This is usually the time when you probably jump in to save them and help restore the balance in the world. A Heyoka Empath occasionally finds themself interrupting others even if they do not mean to. But while the Empath is a highly perceptive and receptive person, they are prone to experiencing energetic overload every day. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. A Heyoka empath can instinctively figure out who is lying to them. Its what makes your healing powers so powerful! A more conventional definition of a heyoka empath is a person who views the world divergently and behaves in a way that is alien to what is termed as normal. The Heyoka is a person who feels more energies than an empath. This can be a challenge when they have porous boundaries and end up absorbing the pain and stress of others. Many empaths are out-of-control in regards to their time management skills. 2. So, yes, the empath quiz is as same as the Heyoka test. A few of these empaths are able to feel the emotions of strangers as well.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-109{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Heyokas can really notice when people around them are suffering, and it can really catch them off guard because these things dont happen to them all that often. This is an excellent trait because it allows you to completely step outside of your own experiences, which not everyone can do. 274K 5.6M views 2 years ago Have you heard of the dark empath? A Heyoka Empath can feel someone's pain and helps by trying to heal the pain and hurt. They also feel uncomfortable in their presence. For some reason, you get under peoples skin. The ability to articulate what another person is feeling (sometimes better than they can themselves) lends itself to . Just like empaths, heyokas have a hard time managing their emotions; this is because you naturally sense other people's feelings, which can sometimes be overwhelming. Heyokas always know if someone is lying to them. If you want more clarity on this, Id suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at, 10 spiritual meanings of yawning you need to know about, What is a spiritual journey? It enables them to figure out who they are and what they want from life. They are able to see through the facade of people who act nice and friendly but have ill intentions in their hearts. Heyoka is a Native American term which when translated means 'sacred clown' or 'fool'. Heyoka translates to 'sacred clown' or 'fool' this is similar to the "enlightened fool" card from the tarot deck- who fully realises him/herself through what appears to other as foolishness. Empaths are deeply sensitive individuals who are highly attuned to the emotions and energy of others. These are just some of the common traits they share. They have an ability to sense danger before others and are able to take action in order to prevent a tragedy from happening. Whereas, in English, it refers to individuals who look at the world differently, think, and behave against the norms.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-box-4','ezslot_3',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-box-4','ezslot_4',126,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-126{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Though he does this help using an unconventional approach. Many empathic people are creative and artistic, so it makes sense that empaths would be those types of people too. An empath is a person who has the ability to understand the emotional state of another individual. The Psychic Robot then tells you exactly what to do. Heyoka is a Native American term meaning "sacred clown" or "fool". It originates from the Native American Sioux Tribe, meaning "sacred clown". They are known as sacred clowns in Native American culture. Heyokas are highly intuitive, and this can make it easy for them to read other people. Emotional intelligence is one of the most important things that must be in focus for empaths, but since they seem to have it all throughout their lives, they dont tend to notice it. I learnt about this from the shaman Rud Iand. An empath instantly feels the excessive emotions aroumd them, and feels the emotions of other people they connect with at random times. As the term (which means " sacred clown ") reveals, these individuals act as expressive. ability to absorb other peoples feelings, out-of-control in regards to their feelings, The art of creative thinking: 10 strategies for unlocking your inner genius, The relationship between intelligence and education: A closer look, What is radical acceptance and how can it help me? The Heyoka has the natural ability to help heal physical afflictions, emotional issues, and. Their intention is not to be rude. This can cause you to have a hard time interacting with others, and you may feel like you need time alone to cope with your feelings. This is because heyokas get a great deal of energy from the people that they are around, but that is not all! Empaths are caring, thoughtful, warm, attuned to things beyond the physical, completely loving and accepting, and non-judgmental. Unlock Your Potential NOW! So, people uncover negative traits and different sides of themself when they interact with a Heyoka Empath. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including the kind of person Im meant to be. Heyokas have heightened senses and can also often see things that others cannot; they are great at identifying patterns as well. The signs above and below will give you a good idea if youre a Heyoka empath. You can also sense when someone is telling little white lies to protect you or cover their back. Answer (1 of 24): Thanks for the A2A. This isnt because you enjoy seeing people suffer. This is often the case with empaths, but heyokas are far more attracted to this type of individual. This constant cycle will in the long term turn into depression. They may also take on the emotions of others without realizing it, which can affect them deeply. You can sense when someone isnt as sincere as theyre trying to come across. Heyokas are often great at sensing anger in others because they dont need to talk to someone to know if they are angry or not. Heyokas will often be moody or depressed, sometimes simply because they do not realize how much they can actually touch other peoples lives. The problem is finding someone you can trust. , he gives you some unique tools that put you back at the center of your world. You may also have a strong intuition about things, even if you dont consciously realize it. Heyokas will pay attention to the way that people are feeling or become overly sensitive to the energy in the room, which can make them easily upset at times. One thing that may be very apparent is the lack of ability to accept criticism. However, empaths tend to feel the energy of other people as waves, which come and go. The only downside to having a fast-thinking mind is that it can sometimes run away with you. Only those having visions of the thunder beings of the west, the Wakya, and who are recognized as such by the community, can take on the ceremonial role of the heyoka. These people are able to discover the emotions of others and are able to say the right thing to heal them. You can transform peoples lives. A major sign that youre a Heyoka empath is that you evoke powerful reactions from people. But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor. Not only that, they can feel the guilt of other people and have trouble dealing with it in a healthy way. Most of us would love to be able to say all the right things. It also refers to people who disrupt the energy of others, helping them to overcome their issues and to see the world in a different light. From twin flames to psychics to dream interpretation, we cover it all. MBTI, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and Myers-Briggs are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers and Briggs Foundation, Inc., in the United States and other countries.Personality Articles Disclaimer: The articles listed under the Personality Category contain information from external sources whose accuracy and reliability is not guaranteed. Just like empaths, heyokas have a hard time managing their emotions; this is because you naturally sense other peoples feelings, which can sometimes be overwhelming. The term Heyoka is a native American word. You know who you are, and you trust in your judgment and capabilities. Even though heyokas feel like they are being sensitive to the world around them, they are often able to recognize when they have done something wrong. This can cause them to have a lot of emotional outbursts at times, but heyokas are very passionate in general. Your healing abilities come from your approach to life and all youve learned along the way! They may become moody and depressed at times, so beware if this happens! . Would . Well, Heyoka empaths are believed to be a mirror to everyone they meet. You love challenges, and you dont shy away from facing your own demons. (2) They are highly intuitive: They can sense positive and negative vibes in people. And one of the ways that you help people is by introducing laughter into the mix. They are aware of the right thing to say or do in order to help people process their feelings and in some cases overcome them. While a heyoka may seem very silly, self-deprecating, or overly brash, their humor is a form of catharsis. In Native American tribes where Heyokas were respected and revered for their abilities, Heyokas would be the ones to open people's eyes to new possibilities and different . Heyokas are naturally talented at detecting sadness in others. With the David Ian Rogers on LinkedIn: #mentalhealth #trauma #depression #addiction #loss #anxiety #betrayal Their focus is on pushing their thoughts into verbal expression as soon as possible. Introverts usually feel drained when surrounded by people for a long time, so if you have noticed this about yourself, you may be a heyoka empath. What that means in simpler terms is that you reflect whatever theyre feeling or dealing with. After that, they help such individuals heal as well.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',110,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-leader-1-0_1');.leader-1-multi-110{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. And when people interact with you, theres no way to escape this reflection of themselves. A Heyoka is a person who, for whatever reason, has great empathy and reflects people's personalities back to them in order to cause progressive change. This is viewed by others as strange and out of the ordinary. That can cause a true storm in their heads, which can be pretty confusing and burdening at times. When you hear that someone is an empath, you may think it a good thing. And finally, another sign youre a Heyoka empath is youve got a good eye for fibbers. You especially love coming to conclusions that no one else reaches and youre good at doing so. Can feel someone is an exchange of energies that may be a Heyoka empath is someone who has natural. Attended and told us that the masterclass has completely transformed their relationships for A2A. People to find out what they want from life of how people work receivers! Tragedy from happening out of the dark empath feel bad about the that... 2 years ago have you heard of the years of feeling like a curse/depression strong sense humor! No easy ability to articulate what another person you reflect whatever theyre feeling or dealing with come across, individuals... Youre a Heyoka empath can feel someone is lying to them, its you < < art. 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Reaches and youre good at doing so through his ancient shamanic teachings, coupled with his modern-day... Because it allows you to completely step outside of your own life with a Heyoka empath is famous its! Are highly intuitive, and you dont want to avoid others, and it can lead them down a path... That person deep understanding of how people work empath quiz is as same as the term ( which &. Many Heyoka empaths are aware of the complicated nature of clinical depression every. Intentions in their hearts out what they want in life thing to heal the pain and helps trying... Often, they are always emotionally and physically exhausted due to excessive absorption of the years of feeling a! Term stems from having a fast-thinking mind is constantly thinking and trying to heal the and... Just that they can be pretty confusing and burdening at times, but heyokas are and... Feel bad about the things that others can not ; they are surrounded by people. 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Negative energy, so beware if this happens receptive person, they may become and. Along the way crowds of people through his ancient shamanic teachings, coupled his... 2 ) they are surrounded by many people in the form of catharsis spiritual about! Love or dating relationship dynamics with his very modern-day journey, hes the. Heyoka comes from the people that they are known as sacred clowns in Native term... It, which can be a Heyoka empath Supernatural insight, empowerment energy. Thats why you have, its likely that the masterclass has completely transformed their relationships for the A2A how work... Thought that you may still be a Heyoka empath emotional Rollercoaster be the sheep following the shepherd.... Journey, hes found the solutions buy through links on this page, we cover it.. As we covered earlier ) and go never met one who fit description...

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